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Q: How do you clear up green water in a 29 gallon tank?
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How much water do you take out of a ten gallon tank when cleaning?

You must take at least 8 1/2 gallons out of the tank to clear the water of ammonia and bring the PH scale to the base.

How many gallons of water does a 20 gallon tank hold?

A 20 Gallon tank can hold up to 20 gallons of water.

What is a gallon tank?

It is a tank that will hold one gallon of water when filled to the brim. No tank is ever filled to the brim so the tank will never actually hold a gallon of water. It is not large enough to properly house any fish.

How much does a 100 gallon fish tank weigh full?

One gallon of water is 8.345404 Lbs.So a 100 gallon tank would have 834.5404 lbs of water.

What is the clear cover value for RC water tank?

The clear cover value for the RC water tank is approximately $50.

Could not seem to get the water to clear up in my fish tank .Have a huge goldfish. one tropical fish and an algae eater. Water is murky and just won't clear up.?

You can pick up a bottle of Acurel F for only $4 at any Petco in the fish department and just add 2-4 drop per. gallon in your tank. Once the water is clear add 1-2 drops per. gallon for the next 2 weeks or so, one bottle should last a pretty long time.

Does a 3 gallon tank hold the same amount of water as a 3 gallon bowl?

yes both are 3 gallon

How hot will a 40 gallon hot water tank get?

As high as the highest setting available on the tank.

How many fish can you put in your 186 gallon tank?

normal rule for fish in a tank is: For every 1 inch of fish there is 1 gallon of water

What is the size of 10 drums water tank?

A standard, 55 US gallon / 44 Imperial gallon drum would lead me to believe you would have a 550 US Gallon tank.

Can a green tree frog be housed in a ten gallon a 10 gallon tank?

Yes provided you set it up properly as a vivarium with live terrestrial plants. Green Tree frogs only use water for breeding in. They normally live their lives in moist not wet areas.

How long should hot water from a 40 gallon tank last?

That depends on how much water is drawn from the tank and how often it is drawn.