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Tell him it will be alright, you will always be there for him no matter what. Be a good listener & maybe ask him to tell you some great stories about the good & fun memories he has. A great story can have a wonderful healing effect.

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Q: How do you comfort or what to say to my boyfriend his Uncle just died and I am far from him to comfort him?
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Your uncle had recently died now a friend of your friend you are lost now how am going to help him?

just be there to comfort him and tell him if he needs anything to let you know because my uncle died today.

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you can try pretending that your boyfriend has just broke up with you and cry and then she will comfort you :)

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you could advise them on the problem and help them out a bit, just to get them started...

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Emotionally. you need to help him talk to him and try to find solutions to his issues. just be there to comfort and talk to him

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you say how you understand they need time, and that you will be there for them no matter what. if they want to just cry on your shoulder, if they want to sit there in silence, anything you will do to try and help. but equally that you know it some thing that cannot be ignored, hope this is ok.

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Death is usually very hard for people to deal with. It is important that you let your boyfriend know that you are there for him emotionally. It is also a nice gesture to help and try to keep his spirits up. Be strong!

Will a girl break up with her boyfriend for better communication?

Yes for two reasons: One to enjoy the comfort of another's communication and/or two, to send a message to her boyfriend that communication is just that important to her. (It is to most females).

What is the best way to be there for your boyfriend when his mother died a week ago?

The best thing to do is try and comfort him, take him to his fav place and help him to get him mind off her. But at times he will be sad, just give him time he needs to heal his broken heart because of his love lost.

Can anyone tell if a scary story is true?

Most scary stories are made up just to scare you. I know a true scary story because it happened to my friend's cousin's boyfriend's uncle's godson. So one dark and story night, my friend's cousin's boyfriend's uncle's godson and his girlfriend were making out in the car at lover's lane, which is a parking area overlooking the city below. They had just heard a report on the radio that a deranged psychopath had escaped from a local mental institution. He had been put away for multiple murders all committed with the use of a meat hook, a large metal hook with a very sharp point. So my friend's cousin's boyfriend's uncle's godson was pretty scared, but his date was even more scared so they locked the car doors. All of a sudden, my friend's cousin's boyfriend's uncle's godson's girlfriend said she heard a noise come from the door. It sounded like someone or something was scratching at the handle. My friend's cousin's boyfriend's uncle's godson was so scared, he started the car and put it in drive and sped off as fast as the car could take them. Once they got to my friend's cousin's boyfriend's uncle's godson's girlfriend's house, my friend's cousin's boyfriend's uncle's godson got out and walked around to open the passenger side door for her. When he got there, he froze with terror! On the outside of the car, my friend's cousin's boyfriend's uncle's godson saw a metal hook dangling from the door handle. They realize they had gotten away just in time. Maybe he was coming back to find them...

If a neighbor has died what is appropriate to do for the spouse?

Just be around to offer comfort, and to do any practical tasks that might be needed.

Why does a girl pat a boy she likes?

To comfort him, to really just tell him shes here. Also in a greeting. My boyfriend pats me (usually on the head, lol) whenever he passes me.

What if your boyfriend only talks about guns and killing people?

Well it depends really if he had a rough childhood with bulling then comfort him if he's just spiteful or angry comfort him if he's just a bit psychotic that's great join in the fun if he's some nigg from the hood, time to find someone new