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Compiler-dependent. If you have Turbo C, it will be command TCC

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Q: How do you compile and execute a 16 bit compiler program from a command prompt?
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How do you compile and execute programs using command line in DOS?

ad1: install a compiler ad2: just enter the program's name at the prompt

How do you compile and execute a C program from a command prompt in turboc compiler in 32 bit XP?

C:> TCC.EXE foobar.c C:> foobar.exe

How do you compile and execute Java program in which we find the highest of any five numbers?

In the same way as you would compile and execute any other Java program. Compile: use the "javac" command. Or use the built-in "compile" command in your favorite IDE. Execute: Use the "java" command. Or use the built-in "run" command in your favorite IDE.

What is Commands for the compiler that are needed to compile and run your program?

javac is the command that is used to compile Java source files.

What happens to a c program when we didn't use compiler and execute program from .exe?

If you don't compile and execute your program, then it's not a program, just a bunch of source code which is worthless to the computer. The whole point of a compiler is to turn the human-readable code into machine-readable code.

Which produces faster program execution a compiler or pure interpreter?

A compiled program would execute faster than an interpreter running the same code step by step.

How compiler compile a program?

With a compiler. Read the documentation for programming package for help on how to.

When you compile a program do you have to give a command to print the source program?

No. You can compile without printing the source. Indeed, I know of no compiler that would allow a program's source to be printed while it is being compiled. They are completely separate and unrelated tasks.

What command should be given to compile a C program from the command prompt?

You need a compiler. Gcc or g++ can be run from a unix shell, or a windows implementation of one like cygwin.

When does a program show a compiling error?

When a program contains a compiler error, the compiler will detect it, preventing the program from compiling. Compiler errors must be fixed before a program will compile successfully.

What command do you need to enter in order to compile a program called 'PROGRAM.C' with your compiler?

It depends on the compiler installed and on the operating system. In unix, you would generally say... cc -o program program.c or make program

What is the command to compile and execute a factorial program in java?

Compile: either use the "javac" command or - more conveniently - look for the "compile" command in some of the menus of your IDE. Run: after compiling, use the "java" command or - more conveniently - look for a "run" command in your IDE. The exact commands in the IDE will vary, depending will vary depending on the chosen IDE.