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With a cross-over cable just plug one end into the laptop and other end into the PC using the RJ-45 jacks. Then, configure both with static IP addresses and you are ready to go.

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Q: How do you connect a laptop to a PC with a crossover cable?
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Related questions

What do you need to connect a laptop to a PC?

A crossover cable.

How you connect laptop with PC?

If you are using a crossover cable, simply assign static IP's to each machine ( and If using regular network cable, you will need to use a network switch or hub to connect them together, still using the static IP's for each machine.

What kind of cable is neede to connect two pc's together via their network ports?

A crossover cable.

What type of cable is used to connect a PC's NIC to the RJ45 ethernet port of a cisco router?

crossover cable

What type of RJ45 UTP cable do you use to connect a PC's COM port to a router or switch console?

crossover cable

What is the purpose of a crossover RJ45 cable?

You can connect 2 PC`s without the use of a switch with a cross-over cable.

How do you connect two pc's using lan?

Either use a crossover cable or connect them using a hub, switch, or router.

Hook up PC with a wireless laptop?

Your best shot is probably with either a usb 2 usb cable or 'crossover' ethernet cable.

What Cable is used to Connect a broadband router to a PC's Network interface card?

Some are a straight through network cable, some are crossover.

Does a crossover cable connect a switch to a PC?

No, usually that would be a straight-thru cable because the signal is crossed over by the switch itself.

What is a cross over cable used for?

crossover cables must be used between 2 devices from the same level like (pc & pc - Pc & router - router & router) but strait through cable used between 2 different levels like (pc & switch - router & switch )

How do you connect your laptop and your PC easily just for file transfer?

You can use a data cable.