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Q: How do you contribute meaningfully in maintaining world peace?
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What is the role of students in world peace and security?

Students have a crucial role in promoting world peace and security by fostering intercultural understanding, advocating for peaceful conflict resolution, and promoting tolerance and acceptance of diversity. By engaging in dialogue, education, and activism, students can contribute to building a more peaceful and secure world for future generations.

How do you attain world peace?

World peace can be attained through promoting understanding, empathy, and cooperation among nations and individuals. Additionally, addressing root causes of conflict such as inequality, poverty, and injustice can contribute to a more peaceful world. It also requires strong international institutions, diplomacy, and peaceful conflict resolution mechanisms.

Will there ever be world peace?

While achieving world peace is an ideal goal, it is challenging to predict whether it will ever be fully attained. It requires global cooperation, conflict resolution, and the addressing of systemic issues. Each individual's efforts towards promoting peace can contribute positively to the overall goal.

How can you improve peace in the world?

Promoting empathy, understanding, and open communication between individuals and nations, fostering cooperation and conflict resolution through diplomacy and dialogue, and addressing root causes of conflict such as inequality, injustice, and environmental stress can help improve peace in the world. Additionally, investing in education, promoting cultural exchange, and supporting international frameworks for peace and security can contribute to a more peaceful global society.

As a student how can you promote world peace?

As a student, you can promote world peace by educating yourself about different cultures and perspectives, engaging in peaceful dialogues and discussions, participating in peace-building activities and initiatives, and advocating for tolerance and understanding within your school and community. Additionally, supporting organizations and campaigns that promote peace and social justice can also make a positive impact.

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Is UN has failed in maintaining world peace?

No it has not. They will do it till the job is done

What is the role of UN in maintaining world peace?

no role of united nation in maintaining peace in the world...we can see in kashmir, phalpine and in burma what the hell is going on but united nation is quite and doing nothing....UN is useless and failure......

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Ragaragaragaragas are attacking! run, run!

Which international organizations is responsible for maintaining peace and security among countries of the world?

UN security council

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Has united nation organization succeeded in maintaining world peace?

Obviously not, there have been dozens of wars in the last 60 years.

How did Mohandas Gandhi contribute harmorey?

Mahatma Gandhi believed in nonviolence, which helped increase harmony and peace. He believed that citizens of the world could progress with peace.

According to the chart the what investigates situations that threaten world peace.?

The United Nations Security Council investigates situations that threaten world peace. It has the primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security.

What was created to perform world peace?

The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945 after the Second World War by 51 countries committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progres

Did UN maintain peace in the world?

A matter of opinion: mine is that the UN's record in maintaining peace is, at best, spotty; however, the UN has helped countless millions of people in improved public health and related areas.

What do this quote mean We can never obtain peace in the outer world until you make peace with ourselves?

This quote suggests that inner peace is a prerequisite for achieving peace in the external world. It emphasizes the importance of resolving inner conflicts and finding inner harmony before being able to contribute positively to creating peace in your surroundings. Ultimately, peace starts within oneself before it can be manifested externally.

Who is responsible for the world peace in the United Nations?

The Security Council is responsible for maintaining international peace and security. Through SC Resolutions, it can establish peacekeeping operations, international sanctions and authorize military action to ensure this goal.