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No it has not. They will do it till the job is done

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Q: Is UN has failed in maintaining world peace?
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Which un organ has major responsibilities for maintaining peace?

which un organ has major responsibility for maintaining peace

How has the UN failed to do its duties?

Not kept the Peace in the World we live in today.

What are the un soldiers called who are responsible for maintaining peace in the world?

Ragaragaragaragas are attacking! run, run!

Which international organizations is responsible for maintaining peace and security among countries of the world?

UN security council

What is the role of UN in maintaining world peace?

no role of united nation in maintaining peace in the world...we can see in kashmir, phalpine and in burma what the hell is going on but united nation is quite and doing nothing....UN is useless and failure......

Did UN maintain peace in the world?

A matter of opinion: mine is that the UN's record in maintaining peace is, at best, spotty; however, the UN has helped countless millions of people in improved public health and related areas.

How did UN help other nations?

by maintaining peace and harmony between countries.

What is the un for?

it is for makin peace around the world

What was the world body that was formed after world war 2 to maintain peace?


What does UN's symbol means?

It means may the world be with peace...

What are the aims of united nation?

The aims of the United Nations (UN) are to promote world peace, to protect human rights, to promote better relations between countries and to facilitate international security. The function of the US are Arm Control and Disarmament, Peace Keeping and Humanitarian Assistance.

What happen to UN in1948?

Nothing, it was founded in 1948, before that it was the League of Nations which as you probably know, failed completely at keeping peace.