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Q: How do you convert a 10 point scale to a 5 point scale?
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How do you convert a 5 point likert to a 10 point likert?

You can readily convert data from a 5-point scale to a 10-point equivalent. The process is basically to anchor the end points of the scale you want to convert to the 10-point. So 1 stays as 1, 5 becomes 10. The points in between are converted like this: 2 becomes 3.25; 3 becomes 5.5; 4 becomes 7.75. Note that this assumes the data are "equal interval" (e.g. the distance between 1 and 2 is the same as between 2 and 3 on the scale). Many researchers are leery of this assumption but the leading texts on marketing research assume equal interval data for Likert-based data. A recent study in the International Journal of Market Research reported on an experiment where three groups of respondents gave answers on either a 5-point, 7-point or 10-point scale. After this re-scaling procedure, the three scales gave almost identical results. The study reference is: Dawes, John "Do Data Characteristics Change according to the Number of Scale Points Used ? An experiment using 5-point, 7-point and 10-point scales". International Journal of Market Research, Vol 50, 1, 2008.

How do you convert a 5 point likert scale to 4 point likert?

See the related link for more information. The Likert scale with 5 points typically has a middle neutral (neither agree or disagree) choice. In the 4-point scale, the neutral choice is removed, so that person who is uncertain is forced to lean (even if slightly) one way or the other.

What relation between celsius and rankine scale?

°R = degrees Rankine, this is the absolute temperature scale relative to the Fahrenheit scale. 0°R = -459.67°F the freezing point of water = 491.67°R°C = degrees Celsius (or Centigrade), this is the common metric temperature scale where the freezing point of water is 0°C and the boiling point is 100°CTo convert from°R to°C subtract 491.67° then multiply by 5/9 (0.555555....)To convert from°C to°R multiply by 1.8 then add 491.67°To convert from°R to°F subtract 459.67°

How do you convert 854231 to scientific notation?

To convert 854231 to scientific notation, move the decimal point to the left until there is only one non-zero digit to the left of it. In this case, the decimal point would be moved 5 places to the left, resulting in 8.54231. Then, multiply this number by 10 raised to the power of 5: 8.54231 x 10^5.

When does water freeze on the Rankine scale?

461.67 R to convert from celcius scale: 0R = (0C + 273.15) x 9/5 to convert from Fahrenheit scale: 0R = 0F + 459.67

How do you convert a 4.1 GPA on a 5 pt scale to a 4 pt scale?

It's not clear that this is a legitimate thing to do because a 4-point GPA at one educational institution might have a different interpretation at other institutions that use the 5-point scale. Across the world there is a large range of ways of awarding academic grades. Please see the link.

What is the grade equivalence for a 3.29 GPA?

It depends on if the GPA is based on a 5 point scale or a 4 point scale. On a 5 point scale, an A is worth 5 points. On a 4 point scale scale, an A is worth 4 points. So a 3.29 is a B on the 4 point scale and a C on a 5 point scale.

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How do you convert centigrade to farenheith?

we know that to convert of one scale of temperature the formula isx-LFP of 1st scale/UFP of first scale=y-LFPof second scale/UFP of the second scaleLFP-lower fixing point UFP-upper fixing point x-the value in 1st scale y- the value in 2nd scaleso from thisC-0/100=F-32/180 where C,F are the temp in Celsius and Fahrenheit respectively

Table salt melts at 801 degrees Celsius What is the melting point on the Fahrenheit scale?

To convert, multiply the Celsius by 9/5 and add 32. So the answer is 801*9/5+32 = 1474 Fahrenheit. (To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, subtract 32 and multiply by 5/9.)