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Oxidation with acidic KMnO4


Ozonolysis followed by oxidation

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16h ago

But-2-ene can be first oxidized to form butan-2-one, which can then be further oxidized to form butanoic acid. Butanoic acid can then be oxidized to ethanoic acid (acetic acid) by removing one carbon atom through decarboxylation.

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you can't, it's impossible.

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HBr is a strong acid. Ethanoic acid (acetic acid) is a weak acid. So ethanoic acid is weaker.

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Ethanoic acid and vinegar are the same thing; vinegar is a diluted form of ethanoic acid. Mixing ethanoic acid with vinegar would not result in any chemical reaction or change.

Is ethanoic stronger than hydrochloric?

Ethanoic acid (acetic acid) is a weak acid and hydrochloric acid (HCl) is a strong acid. So, ethanoic acid is NOT stronger than hydrochloric acid.

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No, ethanoic acid is not an alkali. It is a weak organic acid commonly known as acetic acid. Alkalis are substances that are bases and have a pH greater than 7, while ethanoic acid has a pH less than 7.

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Ethanoic acid (acetic acid) is an acid. It is a weak organic acid that is commonly found in vinegar.

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Hydrochloric acid is stronger than ethanoic acid. Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid that dissociates completely in water, while ethanoic acid is a weak acid that only partially dissociates.

Is ethanoic acid stronger than hydrochloric acid?

Hydrochloric acid is stronger than ethanoic acid. Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid, while ethanoic acid is a weak acid. This is due to the differences in their chemical structures and dissociation properties.

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Acetic acid is a weak acid. The other three are strong.

What is another word for ethanoic acid?

Acetic Acid. In the modern IUPAC Nomenclature it is 'Ethanoic Acid' The old cammercial name is 'Acetic Acid'. The chemical formula/structure is 'CH3COOH'.

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