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Move the child into a center seat, where they can't reach the window with their feet.

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Q: How do you convince a three year old to stop kicking at your car window?
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Will two mares ever get along that constantly try kicking at one another?

Most times, but not always, the kicking will stop when the pecking order is established when one of the mares dominant over the other and the other recognized the dominance. If the kicking does not stop after two or three weeks then they will have to be separated.

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How can you stop kicking people?

lol erm...

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I really don't think that there is anyway to stop someone from kicking ur trash can srry!!

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She only stops kicking you when she stops to laugh at you.

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You back away or you can't.

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Run away

How do you stop your brother from leaving?

By kicking him in the nards (if he has any).

How do you stop Punkbuster from kicking you in Battlefield Heroes?

Dont hack -_-

How do you get a child to stop kicking the back of your seat in a car?

You tell them! You scream at them, if you have to. If they don't stop, just punish them.

How do you convince israel to stop war?

By convincing the terrorists to stop firing at her and to accept her existence.

Can you feel a baby kicking?

you can but if you hit your mothers stomach it will stop because you scared it