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You can't. You can advise them, print out stuff from the internet and give it to them, but they are the one who has to make the decision - like in many areas of life.

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Q: How do you convince someone to seek professional help for depression?
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What you should do when you are deppressed?

Depression can lead to suicide, or can lead a person to engage in illegal activities. If someone is depressed, they should see a medical professional in order to get medication and therapy that can help alleviate the depression symptoms.

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That's depression. which can be dangerous! get professional help immediately! depression can lead to thoughts of suicicde and the like. Tell someone that your feeling depressed and need help before its too late...

My boyfriend is depressed how do i cope with it I really love him?

If your boyfriend is depressed and you love him you should try to convince him to get help. He can see his doctor to talk about the depression and possibly get some medication to help him. It can be hard to cope when someone you love is depressed. Just be strong and be there for him and let him know that you care.

Where can I find self-help methods for fighting depression?

There are support groups in local communities and online for depression. However, what you are describing is likely to be post partum depression, a particular type of depression. Seeking professional help is probably the best thing to do, for yourself and for our baby's sake.

How do I end my depression without getting other people involved?

You should never try to end your depression alone. You should seek professional help.

What do you do to help someone who is suffering from depression?

Take this someone to see the doctor. The doc will describe medication, which will help to lead a normal life.

Where do I direct someone to get help with depression?

Talk to your local doctor about depression, it may be hard but in the end it will pay off. There are many help lines you can have her call. Also there are depression centers across the US.

You think you have depression but your parents will not take you into a professional to get help What are your options?

People have the wrong idea that these illness are a disgrace to the family, and a stigma. But it is only a sickness like any other. So here the parents are not willing to admit and get you treated then tell your other relatives to speak and convince them, the sooner the better for you. Consider speaking to a professional yourself, such a a school counselor or the school nurse. They can help you deal with your parents, or help you find other solutions if needed.

How to take depression away?

The best way to take depression away is to treat it. Talk to a medical professional or your primary doctor about how you are felling. Medications and support groups can help.

Elevation o Qattara Depression?

can someone help me get the answer to this question? The elevation of Qattara Depression is 133 metres below the sea level.

What mood ring color means depression?

There is no specific mood ring color that universally signifies depression. Mood ring colors generally change based on body temperature rather than emotions. It is essential to seek professional help if you are experiencing symptoms of depression.