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how do you date a boy who doesnt express his feelings? that's a toughie. well my opinion is that in general, guys are not as talkative or romantic or even as open with their feelings as girls are. i dont think its surprising if your guy isn't open with his feelings because most of them arent. i guess you could talk to him and get him to open up and if that doesnt work dont be dicouraged- i mean if you really like the dude then try to understand him a little more, get to know him a little better and in time he probably will open up to you. most guys do that. they dont open up to just anyone. i guess they want someone they can trust, who would understand them, and someone who knows them well before expressing their feelings. i hope my advice helps. and if it doesnt- sorry but im only 12 not cosmogirl's advice coulumn. lol. good luck. Michelle there are different types of people in this world some take longer than others to say or do what someone else would do in advice to you is take it slow,let that person get comfortable with you and hopefully they'll open up to you.if after that they still haven't there may be an underlying problem that this person needs to work

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