

Best Answer
Handling Parents of BulliesHandling parents of bullies depends on what the parents are like. If they are reasonable and not in denial that their child is a bully, and will discipline their child, take the approach of talking with them and let them deal with their child.

Unfortunately, the parents of bullies are sometimes bullies or abusers themselves and the child is just doing what they see their parents do. In that case, the parent may not think there is anything wrong with the child's behavior, and it's doubtful that the parent will do anything to rectify the behavior. In that case, you should see if you can get the backup of the child's school, or in extreme cases, maybe even the police.

Another possibility is that the parent does not accept that their child is a bully. You could tell the parent what their child did, but they might deny it, try to justify it, etc. It's doubtful that you will get any positive results with these parents, either, so again, contacting the school might be an option.

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with an adult bully, it is not possible to fight it off. you will probably have to go to some kind of law and sue them for harrassment.

I agree and it is easy to go to your local District Justice and file charges yourself.

I am faced with dealing with an adult bully and I am afraid I will get hurt.I dont know who this person is. I called my local police station and asked what are the laws concerning the use of pepper spray. I was told it is legal to use only as a defensive tool.That is how I want to use it. I just need time to get away from the danger.

Others have said a Baseball bat would do the trick. I don't like to do this because I don't want to see anyone hurt and it seems too redneck for me.

The person that is bullying me has no idea that he is doing it. He can't see through his anger. Educating adults on bulling would be the proper answer.

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There is acually only one way to deal with a bully. All you have to do is tell an adult.

What can you do about the bully problem?

You can fix the bully problem by asking a adult to help.

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Cyber bullying is when a person uses social networking to bully another person. The bully could use insulting/ hurtful text messages to bully someone or post unkind things about them on Face book etc. The best way to deal with a cyber bully is not to delete the messges you get. Keep them a show them to an adult, friend, or someone willing to help and they will help you sort it out.

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They shouldn't if they suppose to be an adult and mature .

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The first step to stop bullying would be to talk to an adult you trust about it, not directly confronting the bully. The adult may want to talk to your teacher or principal about how the bullying should stop. This adult will at least tell you how to deal with the problem with a teacher or group of friends. You shouldn't deal with it by yourself.

What to do if you are bullied?

You should first go to an adult and report the problem so they can either keep an eye on the bully or have a talk. Don't report to an adult unless the bully is calling you bad names, threatening you or abusing you physically. Otherwise you need to stand up to the bully or ignore the bully. Don't talk back, don't kick or punch and don't be quiet and let the bully, bully you. This gives the bully more power over you. Good luck!

How should you deal with a school bully?

kick them in tha balls

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Tell your parents to tell bully's parents or tell the principal.

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Well if you are being bullied then you NEED to tell a teacher or adult about the bully and tell them what they have been doing to you.

Who teaches children how to bully?

The idea that it is OK to bully eventually leads back to the teachings, attitudes and behaviors of parents or other adult influences. Learing how to bully can come from peers.

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You need to go to a trusted adult and tell them about the mean bully. Do not try to take care of them yourself.

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Get an adult to stop bullying