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  • While we live in the modern world of 'the beautiful people' and if they are not then they get plastic surgery to become beautiful or handsome, the majority of people are not born perfect as far as beauty and a good physical build. No one is ugly! It is true that beauty fades so one should have one heck of a good personality. Beauty comes within a person and when that happens their facial expressions actually change and, they begin to do something about how they look. Females for instant could ask a girlfriend to help them with their makeup; new hairstyle and some newer clothes to look more attractive. If a female or male has a large nose then in this case plastic surgery can be done; crooked or broken teeth can be fixed by the dentist. Do not pay attention to actors in a movie or on TV; magazines or all the ads saying what beautiful is. All of it is untrue and what you see is not what is real. Models to actors have makeup sprayed on their faces and bodies to make them look flawless (they can even get a tan for a day or two by spraying) and they wear wigs between pictures or modeling. Several times in magazines you will see actors 'as is' and they are no different than the rest of us. Do not let the media (magazines; internet; etc.) make you think that because you do not look as perfect as models or actors that you are ugly. In the end for all of us it is what is inside a person that shines through and if you stop being so picky about yourself and realize this you will be totally amazed what a smile can do for you and a good personality. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. One day sit in the mall and watch people go by. You may see a beautiful woman with a plain looking man or a handsome man with a plain looking woman and it is these people that are truly in love.
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