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Well, I have two red-eared sliders. And I just fill their tank with a lot of small rocks since I go to the beach sometimes, and I have so many rocks in my backyard. You don't have to do that, but then the "droppings" and food that's not eaten would sink to the floor and your turtle(s) would be swimming in it. If you have rocks, sometimes those things are buried underneath. I also have like small "trees" for decorations, and a shallow rock. If your turtle(s) are big and you realize the tank is REALLY dirty when you clean it, you should get a bigger tank or clean it more often. I clean mine 3-4 days and by then, it's really dirty. Well I hope this helped! If you have any more "caring for turtles" questions, just ask me!

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How big does the tank need to be for two male red eared sliders?

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No, red-eared sliders are not illegal in England.

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Yes, red eared sliders eat minnows in the wild and in captivity.

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Can your red eared sliders lay eggs in potting soil?

Red Eared Sliders are water turtles so they need water but sand can be in their tank with them. Sand tends to clog filters though, so gravel would be a better option.

Can Red Eared Sliders be separated once together?

yes they can be separated because by nature, red eared sliders are solitary creatures.

Is it okay to keep baby red eared sliders with juveniles?

Just as long as they can't get a hold of the turtle, or the tank.

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