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You basically do your username and password like you do on any other registering website. All you do is find a username that is easy to remember and isn't taken by another user. And the same for your password.

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Q: How do you design your password and username on stardoll?
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What is a password and username for a Superstar on stardoll?

You wont Get Them You have to Pay for it if you want to be SS

Who wants to share your stardoll?

share my stardoll - username - carlalouise98 password - carla98 please dont change the password so i and others can still access it

How do you delete yourself from stardoll?

You need to enter your Username and Password then click on terminate membership.

What is Milly and Becky Russo's username and password for Stardoll?

WikiAnswers does not give out this type of information

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The username is Carol and the Password is rude.

What is Beyonce username for stardoll?

Her Stardoll username is TheRealBeyonce

How do you sign up for stardoll?

You pick your doll on the home page You create a username Password and follow the instructions.

Can anyone make me an account on stardoll and tell me my username and password?

why dont you make one yourself? it's easy!!!

How do you get your stardoll account back if you havn't been on it for ages?

Sign in with correct username and password, then click re-activate

How do you make a password on stardoll?

When you first make an account, you will get to make your own password. However, if you want to change your password, you log in, then go into my account which is under your username. You need your old password to get a new password though.

Can you give me a stardoll free giftcode?

Hi there. Let me just warn you, there are alot of crooks on stardoll- all of which want to hack accounts so that they can be rich themselves. I used to fall for the so common "send your username and password to this 'stardoll' email adress" trick. Its really the hacker's email address and once they have your username and password, they can get into your account, buy things, and send it to their own account. Please don't be silly and give your username and password to people. If they wanna be a superstar, they should do it the legal way. I gave my username and password away to one of those hackers, thinking that they would get me a superstar code and lots of stardollars. I was hacked and had to make a new stardoll account all together. Spread the message so that these hackers won't have anybody to hack! Remember- never give your username and password to anyone! You can give your username but NEVER EVER password! Ok? xx Layla xx P.S here's my username: sugar_sweet112 :)

Any good stardoll codes?

no i just know passwords form like a girl username: rosegirl000 password: happinessforever and she is superstar