


Stardoll is a web site of educational games, and is based on the concept of paper dolls.

838 Questions

How do you level up on stardoll?

Ah, leveling up on Stardoll is a wonderful journey! To level up, you simply need to engage with the community, create beautiful designs, and participate in activities. Remember, each step you take is a brushstroke on the canvas of your Stardoll experience - enjoy the process and have fun along the way!

How can i get stardollars stardoll for free?

Well, friend, it's important to remember that it's best to support the creators of Stardoll by purchasing Stardollars. However, if you're looking for a way to earn Stardollars for free, you can participate in in-game activities, complete challenges, and invite friends to join. Remember, the joy is in the journey, not just the destination. Happy doll designing!

What is the color of the collest star?

The color of the coolest star is red. Cool stars emit lower-energy, longer-wavelength light, which results in a reddish appearance.

How do you be the coolest thing on stardoll?

To be the coolest thing on Stardoll, focus on creating a unique and stylish look by mixing and matching different clothing items and accessories. Stay updated on the latest fashion trends and participate in fashion contests to showcase your style. Engage with other users, join clubs, and make friends to increase your popularity on the platform.

Why does stardoll take so long to load?

Sometimes a suite may have more than 100 items in it , where then it takes much longer to load, or you may have a slower internet connection or not have the new adobe flash player.

How do you vault Poptropica?

run forward and press the space bar on your key bored then you did it!

How do you add clothes to your wish list in the starplaza on stardoll?

At the store dressing room tab where you've dragged the clothes for your medoll to try on, hover over the clothing and you will see a tag with a price on it, name, and a heart. Go over and carefully click the heart. It will now show up in your wishlist tab in the store.

How do you delete someone on stardoll?

1. Go To Help

2. Click Onto The Technical Help Section

3. Look for this question: How Do I Cancel My Membership? How Do I Delete My Account?

4. Click On The Question

5. Then It Will Come Up With A Link

6. Click On It

7. Then Give Your Name & Password In

8. Your Account Is Deleted!

If You Have Any More Questions Then Just Ask missolivia6000 On Stardoll.

How do you unlock wall flower on stardoll?

on the first level of your home on stardoll, go to the room on the left hand side. on the left side of the room is a pull out tab like the one on the right side, (BUT THIS IS THE LEFT SIDE) click create room style. and style your doll in clothes that you want. click save and get the award. :)(:

How do you become famous on Stardoll?

Well there is a lot of things which are:

1. you get stardollars which you can spend on a lot better clothes

2. you can change starcoins into stardollars

3. you get a hundred pages in your album

4. you get 50 pictures

5. you get a extra room every time you become superstar

6. you can send better stuff to friends

7. you can add pictures to club descriptions

8. you can broadcast for five stardollars

9. you can have 6 best friends

10. you can host parties

11. callie.stardoll is probably going to say yes to your friend requests

12. you can ... that's it! cheapest price: 5.00 by phone


Rate an album on stardoll?

ok what u do is u go on the album and see the little star on the left bottom corner? well all u gotta do is hover ur mouse ova the star and 4 more stars will apear, u just click the one u think is apropriate

How much are stardoll prepaid cards worth?

It depends on which one you buy like some are $10 some are $20 but i belive the lowest one is $5!

You forgot your password on Stardoll then what to do?

click forgot password? and put in your e-mail or nickname then click send passward. It will send it to your e-mail address. It will say A message has been sent to your e-mail address.

How do you get stuff on stardoll for free without proxy?

It depends on where you live, different free items are for different countries, that is why you need a proxy for certain free items.

For example, a campaign in United Kingdom will not be available in Brazil, because the prizes are delivered differently or the campaign is just available in a specific country.

That is why you need a proxy for free items. Some are just available in a certain place. If you live in that certain place, you will not need a proxy at all. Mostly the free items for all are located in the Starplaza. You just have to look around for the free items available in your place of residence. I hope I helped.

Answered by Vogues

How do you get 15 hearts on stardoll?


you first have to tell your friends to check your yearbook as they are checking it they will see a heart if they pressed it you get 1 heart so tell all your friends to heart your yearbook

i hape my answer helped and i wish you heart my yearbook too my name is (lovelylulitta)

How do you delete all your friends on stardoll?

Go to your friend's list ( the pic of a girl below ur meDoll) and then with the pperson u wanna delete, click GROUP! and then it will give you and option to stop being friends. YuP!!!! :)


What are the best website to design clothes like stardoll?

You can basically go to any game website and they will have at least 2 games about decorating, however, it will probably not have the chat features that Stardoll does.

If you go on to you will find that this website is better than stardoll and don't have to pay for anything! (*You can design clothes too*)

Another Person wrote the rest.....

<You can cut and write words on the clothes....Anyways please see me on stardoll:sarahrozario and girlsense:minyxx>

You got hacked on stardoll and you were a superstar she changed the email and the pass what can you do to get the account back?

thats what happened to my sister i feel really bad for her coz mine got hacked but i got it back but now hers is hacked the person changed her email

Stardoll send u an email b4 the account is changed, just say u dnt want the email changed & change ure stardoll pass!

Free member stardoll account?

You can also get a prepaid card from stores like Walgreens, target, Walmart, and other stores like that. you can get a $10,$15,or $25.

$10 card you get 300 star-dollars and 4 gifts.

$15 card you get 500 star-dollars and 4 gifts.

$25 card you get 900 star-dollars and 7 gifts.

Are there Stardoll cheats and can you get Stardolls or Stardollars for free?

Here are answers from a number of WikiAnswers users:

  • There were NEVER any "cheats" they are all just scams.
  • No. No cheats. You used to get 5 stardollars if you invited friends to join.
  • There arent ANY cheats. They are all scams and if you get found out that you have been posting cheats you will be taken off stardoll.
  • No, there are not. None of the so-called "cheats" work. They are scams to get your username and password.
  • Many people claim that there are cheats on Stardoll but there are not. None of them work. You have to earn starpoints. You have to dress up dolls, save them in your album, send mail, make scenery. comment ppl, etc. You have to earn them.
  • There are no cheats. The site was made for the makers to make money. So, the whole point is you have to pay to have fun . If there was a cheat, everyone would find out and the site would go broke. There used to be some bugs and hacks but they fixed them all.
  • There are many many so-called cheats and chain mail on Stardoll but do not worry because none of them work.
  • There are no cheats on Stardoll. People say there are but they do not work. They are either scams to take your account by getting your password and username or jokes at your expense.


How do you make your stardoll presentation letters bigger?

Go into the editing part and click and drag over the words you want as a different font size and choose font families and choose a heading.

I am kiki7324 on stardoll and if this helped you look below and press the recommend button! :3

♫ It only takes a sec ♫

What is the most popular club on stardoll?

Their are some famous people on stardoll like umm Milly and Becky, and umm Lily-happy and Avril Lavinge, Zendaya from SIU, and Selena Gomez, An Justin B, and Leona Lewis, And The saturdays, Cecelia! and SO MUCH MORE!! And lily-happy doesnt look like shes famous, but um actually she is! Do you no how? Shes the richest person EVER on stardoll and + She meat loads of celebs live! Shes sweetharted and her real name is Lilia!! And um Im not famous but just rate me x Emerald