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a womans period should come at an average of every 28 days

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Q: How do you determine a woman mestrual period with age?
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What age to have a baby?

people can have a baby at any age only if the woman have their period

Can a woman in menopause get pregnant at age 50?

yes- if she has her period now and then

Does a girl age 8 who has her period bleed as much as an older woman when they first get their period?

they sure do, everytime.

What is Dee Daniels birthday?

It's impolite to ask a woman's age. :) ...which can be determine by her birthdate.

Can a woman period has stopped and she is at the age of fifty can she get pregnant?

It is possible, yet unlikely. Up to ten years can pass after a woman stops having her period before she is unable to have a baby.

What is meant by childbearing age?

Any age at which a woman can conceive a between the time you start your period and menopause.

Periods stop at what age?

A woman's period will stop once she goes through menopause. Each woman reaches that stage at a different age. The average age that a woman shows menopause onset signs is 51 plus or minus several years.

What age do women stop there period?

Menopause typically occurs in women between the ages of 45-55, when their periods stop completely. However, the age at which women reach menopause can vary widely. If a woman in her 40s or younger stops having her period, it could be due to other health factors and should be evaluated by a healthcare provider.

Is it true when you hit puberty you're the same age as your mom was?

The age when a woman's mother had her menarche (first period) is indicative of when she will have her menarche, but it is not exact.

Can a 62 year old woman still have a period?

Yes, it is possible for a 62-year-old woman to still have periods, as menopause typically occurs between the ages of 45 and 55 but can happen later. However, irregular periods or changes in menstrual cycle are common during perimenopause and menopause. If there are concerns about menstrual changes, it's advisable to consult a healthcare provider.

Can fossil age determine organism changes related to the time scale?

The discovery of a fossil's age can be determined through methods involving radiometric dating. Fossils must then be compared to other organisms of that time period to determine changes to it.

What is considered old age for a woman?

Old age for a woman is typically considered to be around 65 years and older. However, the perception of old age can vary depending on cultural, societal, and individual factors. It is important to note that chronological age does not necessarily determine someone's physical or mental well-being.