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Generally, issues arise because someone, a private party, a corporation, or the people of a state, believe they have been harmed. In civil law that harm can be a "tort" that does not arise to criminal behavior or a simple disagreement over what the terms of a contract or other legal document mean. The behavior can be a crime where the "legal" victim is the people of the state in which the crime occurred.

When a person feels wronged or "injured" by another entity, the first question would likely be, is there a law that prohibits the entity from doing the harm that has been done to the person harmed or injured? if there is a law that prohibits the alleged behavior, then the FACTS surrounding the behavior will be analyzed with the law that prohibits the behavior.

Often, parties don't agree on the facts or don't agree that the facts apply to the law that is alleged to have been broken or the harm alleged to have been done. Parties often disagree on what the facts mean when applied to the law or what the law means when applied to a certain set of facts; this situation is considered to be "at issue."

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To determine what law controls your case, you have to figure out the jurisdiction.

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a legal case that matches the same circumstances as a legal case published in a law book that has already been to court. it has the same basic issue and is used to argue in a court of law to win a case. it must be found by doing legal research in a law library and can be found by using 5 categories to research. it will match one of those issues

How can one write up a document case?

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Pak Legal Solutions provide solutions to all sorts of legal issues and problems. Either it's a civil issue, family matter, financial dispute or a criminal case. They resolve all legal problems. their website is

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