

How do you do hydrants?

Updated: 12/9/2022
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13y ago

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Hydrants are also known as Hyde Rants.

These were the things Mr Hyde said when he lost his temper, as he often did. Somewhat to the embarrassment of Dr Jekyll.

It is very important when doing one of these rants not to use profanity as this was severely punish in Victorian times. Killing people was less of a problem as Grissom, and his team of CSIs, was not yet on the scene.

Even so you are far less likely to be punished today than in those earlier times. If fact it is likely you will be assigned a team of social worker who will work with you to find someone, other than yourself, to blame.

Even if no specific individual or group can be found there is always the great stand by. Society is to blame.

Enjoy your hydrant

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What did the factory workers do in the factories not make?

popped in a disgusting hole in thwe ground and used fire hydrants to clean them out but failed epically.

Where can you purchase Poland Spring Water?

Actually "Poland Spring Water" gets sold mainly in the north-east of the United States by multinational corporation Nestl̩. It can be purchased for example in supermarkets and grocery stores, but they also offer a home-delivery service that can be ordered directly at their dedicated "Poland Spring Water Delivery"-page.

Why did so many buildings burn in the great fire of London?

There was no fire brigade back then, no fire pumps, no water hydrants, just volunteers with buckets who backed off when the fire got out of control. Most houses were completely or partly made of wood, and the season had been very dry, so they burned easily. And a strong wind fueled the fire and the spread of the fire.

Why did television help the civil rights?

In the 1960s the civil rights marchers calmly and peacefully walked down the streets as they headed toward segregated lunch counters and tried to register to vote. As they walked, some law enforcement officials arrested them on made-up charges. In other places they were attacked by police officers using fists and nightsticks, sprayed with high-pressure water hoses from fire hydrants, and even poked with electric cattle prods. In other places people on the streets would attack them, spit on them and yell epithets at them. People from all over the country could see this on the news on national television and were appalled at the violence. The conflicts made excellent viewing. It was only because of the television, which made the violence much more "real" than reading about it in the newspaper, or even seeing pictures in Life Magazine, that so many people got so upset. That put pressure on Congress to pass the Civil Rights Acts. One thing that made a difference between the North and the South in school desegregation was the differences in the sizes of school districts. For example, Florida has county wide school districts. In Westchester County, New York, the Town of Scarsdale, consisting of almost all white people, has its own school district; and the Town of Mount Vernon, a few miles away and about half black, has its own school district. In Florida, parents objected to having children bussed several miles so that a school would be integrated. New York did not combine school districts in order to integrate the districts and bus the children. Children were not bussed from Mt. Vernon to Scarsdale. In fact, children were not even bussed from the black side of Mt. Vernon to the north side. It was easy for people in the North and West to criticize segregation, but they had it too. The segregation in the South was "de jure", by law. Many places in the North and West were segregated also, but it was "de facto", it existed due to other reasons.

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How many fire hydrants are there in New York city?

There are over 109,000 fire hydrants in NYC.

How many fire hydrants are there in the US?

There are approximately six million fire hydrants installed in the US. The first fire hydrants, called fire plugs, were in use beginning in the 17th century.

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Does England have fire hydrants?

I think so, Maybe

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Why is there fire hydrants in Fantage?

Well its because they want fantage to look like a every day town, so why not add some fire hydrants it makes fantage look more original anyway.

What if fire hydrants did not exist?

A lot more buildings would be burnt to the ground.

What speed do Fire Hydrants shear off in vehicle accidents?

Its Over 9000!

What are the difference between hydrant and hydrant monitor?

hydrant is the sub part of fire water network from which water shall be discharged to on fire parts, and from where the hydrants gets water is the monitor, i.e from monitor water shall be distributed to hydrants.

How many fire hydrants are there?

The number of fire hydrants varies by location, but they are typically spaced every few hundred feet along streets in urban areas. The exact number can be obtained from the local fire department or municipal authority.

Would electrostatic painting be effective for painting fire hydrants?

Yes it would. since the painting saves overspray and paint mist it would be very effective for fire hydrants... btw im 14.. U just got TOLD!

What is the code for distance between fire hydrants?

The code for the distance between fire hydrants can vary depending on the jurisdiction and local regulations. Generally, fire hydrants are placed approximately 300 to 500 feet apart in urban areas and 1,000 to 1,500 feet apart in rural areas. However, it is best to consult the specific fire code or local fire department for the exact guidelines in your area.