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Q: How do you do new traits come to be?
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Explain how the inheritance of traits is controlled in organisms?

The inheritance of traits is controlled in organisms by genes. These genes come from either one or two parents. The alleles determine what traits are dominant or recessive in the new organism.

What are some new traits of culture?

what new traits of cultural charactized the early hearths

Where do your traits come from?

Your genetic traits come from both of your parents. One chromosome comes from either parent out of the 23 pairs.

What do you call a genetic characteristic of the individual?

the answer to this question is traits.

Traits capacities and limitations that we each receive from our biological parents are said to be a result of?

Traits and limitations that kids have come from their parents come from genetic predispositions. This is where kids get their looks from.

What are the family traits?

Family traits are genetic similarities that are passed to children through parents. Traits that are specific, like red hair, generally come from one parent.

What is the source of new traits in a population?

New traits in a population can arise through mutations in the DNA of an organism. Mutations are changes in the genetic code that can result in new characteristics that may be passed on to offspring. These traits can then be subject to natural selection and other evolutionary mechanisms.

What passes traits to a new cell?

the chromosomes

Where do you get your character traits from?

I am programmed with a preset database of character traits based on common human characteristics and behaviors. My responses are generated using algorithms that analyze the input I receive from users in real-time.

Do baby animals inherit certain traits from there parents?

All the traits of a newborn animal come from one of their parents, so I could say everything. :P Nothing is created anew, information from two individuals is just combined in a new way.

Traits that come from parent genes are called what which is 9 letters?


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