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the chromosomes

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Q: What passes traits to a new cell?
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How does packaging genetic information into chromosome help the process of cell division?

Since chromosomes store all the traits of an old cell it passes it on to the new one

Can you give me a paragraph about cell theory?

The basis of cell theory is that all living organisms are comprised of like units of organization which are called cells. Cells come from pre - existing cells not from spontaneous generation. Each cell passes on traits to the next cell when it divides.

What is the thread like substance that passes on traits?


What passes traits from one generation to the next?


What cell is colored bodies and contains DNA and pass traits to new cells?

i think it is chromosomes

Which part of a cell passes information to a new cell?

a nucleus passes on information to another cell.mRNA

What are plants cell traits?

yes! plants have traits.

What are bacteria's cell traits?


What is the Traits or features that a parent passes to a child are called?


What part of cell is most involved in passing over of traits?

Your DNA is the map of you. Your mother and father each contributed 50% of your genetic make up. So the answer is Genetics or DNA, they are both correct.

What part on the plant cell control what traits will have?

The part of the Plant cell that controls traits is called the nucleus.

What is the substances that passes through a cell?

cell membrane