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Q: What passes traits from one generation to the next?
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What might have cause Gregor Mendel NOT to conclude that biological inheritance is determined by factors that are passes from one generation to the next?

if the f14 pea plants had traits of neither parent Mendel might not have concluded that factors for traits are passed from one generation to the next

How do traits differ from one generation to the next?

Genetic traits differ from one generation to the next because the next generation has genes from both parents, unless of course you are talking about a clone. Also, the genetics of the next generation can be from recessive traits of the parents.

What are the physical characteristics of an organism that are passed from one generation to the next?


What are the physical characteristics of an organism that are passed on from one generation to the next?


What is the passing of traits from one generation to the next?

Passing traits from one generation to the next is called inheriting them. This may be red hair, freckles, being very tall or short, or having a funny personality.

What is passing traits from one generation to the next?

Passing traits from one generation to the next is called inheriting them. This may be red hair, freckles, being very tall or short, or having a funny personality.

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The study of how traits pass from one generation to the next is called?


What is the study of how organism pass traits from one generation to the next that is only 8 letters long?

Genetics is the study of biological inheritance, passing traits from one generation to another.

What is the name of the process that is the passing of physical characteristic down from one generation to the other?

The process by which a living thing passes its characteristics and traits to another generation can be called reproduction. More precisely the study of how these things are inherited is genetics.