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Plants, by growing them, collecting seeds and sowing them again and again and so on so you have a variety of that plant that is adjusted to the weather or soil you have just there.

Animals, by having them live around you, eat your sort of food - like grains and veggies - rather than having to kill for food; sharing emotions and feelings and spending time with them.

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Q: How do you domesticate plants and animals?
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What animals domesticate plants or animals?

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it means to domesticate

What means to adapt plants and animals for use by humans?

Domestication is the process of adapting plants and animals for use by humans through selective breeding and management practices to meet our needs, such as for food, clothing, or companionship. This process can lead to changes in the physical and behavioral characteristics of these species over time.

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When did people begin to domesticate plants and animals?

10,000 years ago

What advances made it possible to domesticate plants and animals?

i think it was the farmers that helped it.

What did people do after the last ice age?

They began to domesticate/tame animals and plants

How did europeans learns to domesticate animals and plants?

They learned from the people of the Fertile Crescent.

Why do you domesticate plants every day?

Because farmers need them for animals to eat duhhhhh!

What do people do when they domesticate plants and animals?

They would farm lots of food enough to feed everyone

What do people do when domesticate plants and animals?

They would farm lots of food enough to feed everyone