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Move the paper while you draw the line?

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Q: How do you draw a house with only a line?
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Is there a pentagon with 1 line of symmetry?

Yes. Let's say you draw a square, with a triangle on top, like a house. The only line of symmetry for this is straight down the middle.

How do you draw two parallel lines using only a straightedge and a protractor?

Draw a line. Draw a perpendicular to that line then a perpendicular from that one.

Can you Draw a cube with one continuous line?

It is not possible to draw a cube with a continuous line that draws each edge only once.

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Only two are necessary to define a line. But infinitely many are required to DRAW it.

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By ya moms house

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How do you draw a hexagon with two right angles?

Draw something like you would draw a 'stick house'. It will have a square for the bottom, and a triangle for the roof. Then 'chop off' part of the top of the roof with a horizontal line segment. Erase the line between the roof and the main part of the house. It is now a six sided polygon. The two right angles are at the base of the 'house'.

How do you draw 3 halves as a rectangle?

Draw a square and cut it in half from the middle of the top line to the middle of the bottom line. Draw another square just to the right, using that line as its left side. Note that you will only have to draw half of the square. You now have 3 halves.

When is it impossible to draw a line of best fit?

if you only have one point

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How many perpendicular can we draw to a line from a given point outside the line?

In a Euclidean plane, only one.