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Q: How do you ensure variation in offspring?
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Why does meiosis exist?

Meiosis exists to ensure genetic variation between offspring. As long as the genes are being passed on, interchanged, and reselected, a species will remain adaptable.

Is the hippo able to pass on variation to offspring?

Yes, any animal that undergoes sexual repoduction can pass on variation to their offspring, provided that variation is contained in the gametes, or germinative cells.

Why is there variation?

the change that occur from parents in the offspring

Reproduction that does not produce variation among the offspring?


Why is sexual reproduction better than asexual reproduction for ensuring survival of a species in a changing environment?

Yes. Sexual reproduction is more advantageous than asexual reproduction in a challenging environment since sexual reproduction introduces more variation in the offspring. In asexual reproduction, the variation in offspring is caused by mutations and they are rare and a large number of offspring will have to be produced to ensure enough offspring with beneficial mutations are born, and this is not always possible when resources are scarce. In sexual reproduction, variation is introduced by recombination in addition to mutation, and recombination (random crossover of chromosomes) happens in every time the organism reproduces to introduce variation that may not be present in the parents. The greater amount of variation increases the chance of having offspring that are adapted to the challenging environment.

The fact that an organism's offspring are not identical is known as?

inherited variation

What is the cause of variation in the offspring of sexually reproducing organisms?

recombination of alleles

What are the offspring of sexual reproduction related to their parent?

What could be said is that the offspring will not be identical, genetically or regarding appearance; there will be variation between offspring and their sexually reproducing parents.

How can genetic material variation help some offspring survive?

Because on very, very rare occasions the variation may be helpful

Is it true that meiosis and the joining of gametes generate genetic variation in offspring?


When an offspring has a new genetic variation that it got from neither of its parents it is called a?


What is the primary cause of variation in offspring of sexually reproducing organism?

recombination of alleles