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think of something else like schoolwork or go use the bathroom
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14y ago
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13y ago

Get her comfortable and start getting to touch her like arms shoulders neck stomach and do it where your guys are alone work your way up or down there if anything right back

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Q: How do you erect a girl?
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Is a 4inch Not erect And Erect 6inch Ok with a 14 Year Old Girl?

lololllololoolollol no

Is it normal normal not to erect near a woman?

Sure, some men erect just by seeing a hot girl, some men need to see them naked, but if you're looking at a naked woman and not erect then you may have a problem.

When do you stop fingering a girl?

When she orgasms, or when she's lubed up enough to take an erect penis.

4 inch penis will you have kids and will you impregnate a girl?

only if the 4 inch penis is erect, any erect penis that releases sperm up a female v**** can and most likely will...

Is it legal for an adult man to show his erect penis to an underage girl or boy?

No. It constitutes "indecent exposure" or a similar crime.

Is erect a noun?

No, the word 'erect' is a verb (erect, erects, erecting, erecting) and an adjective.The noun forms of the verb to erect are erection and the gerund, erecting.The noun form of the adjective erect is erectness.

Why is the image formed in water erect?

An image formed in water is erect because light rays from an object bend towards the normal as they enter the water due to the difference in the refractive index of water and air. This bending of light rays causes the image to appear upright when viewed from above the water surface.

What does erect mean?

Meaning, erect human. (Standing up/walking).

What does erecting?

Erect is defined as:Raise: construct, build, or erect; "Raise a barn"Upright in position or posture; "an erect stature"; erect flower stalks; for a dog, an erect tail indicates aggressionRear: cause to rise upTumid: of sexual organs; stiff and rigid-

What does sexing a girl mean?

Taking an erect penis and inserting it into the vagina of a female. After a while the penis sneezes ejaculate and the man loses interest in the woman.

What do you mean by erect?

To erect a building means to build or put up a building. An erection however generally refers to a stiff (erect) penis

When was Erect the Youth Problem created?

Erect the Youth Problem was created in 2004.