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If you have it compiled and linked, then simply:

$ ./myprogram

if you haven't, then compile and link it first:

$ gcc -g -W -Wall -pedantic -o myprogram myprogram.c(other sources, objects, libraries)

$ ./myprogram

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Q: How do you execute c program in terminal?
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when we execute the program.

How a c program execute?

Compile and link it into an executable.

How do you use c program?

Compile, link and execute them.

How is C program portable?

Your program is portable if you can compile and execute it on different platforms.

How do you run daemon process?

In Unix, with a C program you can run a quick function to do this. There is an example at:(link moved to link section)AnswerIn Solaris, you need to disconnect your program from your "terminal" ( scripts generally inherit the stdin, stdout, and stderr of your shell when you execute them ). For a shell program you can execute "nohup $program < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 &". Or the shell program can redirect its own stdin, stdout, and stderr -- then you can execute "nohup $program &".

How many files are created in c when we execute a program?

Zero or more.

How do you execute a program in cmd with space?

Surround the name of the program in quotation marks, such as: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Programmer's Notepad\pn.exe".

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The program used inside microprocessors is microcode,the program what microprocessors execute is machine code.

Program that is executed in c but not in c?

Answer1. When you save file using extension ".c" the program executes using "C" compiler and it cannot execute any other program which is not in "C".So, we cannot execute program in "C" which is not in "C".2. When you save file using extension ".cpp" the program executes using "C++" compiler and it can execute program of "C" but it should be saved with extension ".cpp".So, There is a program which is not in "C++" can be executed in "C++" compiler.Another answerYour question is ambiguous. 1. Okay in C++ but not in C:int main (void){ cout

How do you compile and execute a C program from a command prompt in turboc compiler in 32 bit XP?

C:&gt; TCC.EXE foobar.c C:&gt; foobar.exe

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Because you aren't careful enough.

What is odd loop in 'C' program?

odd loop means at least the loop execute once.