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I have Scoliosis and had my correctional surgery in 1989 and now have a Harrington rod

There are many ways you can help yourself exercise when you have Scoliosis.

Have you tried:

Yoga for Scoliosis



Swimming (not breast stroke, bad for the neck)

My favourite way to keep my spine in shape is Yoga for Scoliosis written by Elise Miller and swimming in the Summer, although I cannot do many lengths I tread water for a while and do 20 lengths before it gets too much, I also have a float to help support me and I have Yoga exercises for the water also.

I have a web page that also lists many ways you can exercise when having Scoliosis, I do urge you to talk to your Dr before you take any up any form of exercise, each person has a different case of Scoliosis, mine if Thoracic mainly and was a 76º curve before surgery.

I hope you find something that suits you, it is difficult and I understand


---- Hi,

I also have had surgery for scoliosis (in 2006).

I find that pilates is a great help for me and swimming was also good.

I think it all depends on what you are able to do and also it is better to find something that will not only benefit you but you will enjoy it at the same time.

But like Simone says I think you should definitely talk to your doctor before taking up any kind of exercise.

Katie =================

It is important to correct and maintain your posture as far as possible. Scoliosis always involves imbalances of spinal and other musculature, which can be improved by physical exercises. In general, you need to stretch muscle groups that are taut and shortened, and strengthen weak muscles. Because each case of scoliosis is somewhat different -- I am right convex but you may be left convex, and so forth -- it is advisable to be diagnosed by a physical therapist.

The physical therapists most knowledgeable about scoliosis treatment have been trained in the Schroth method, a system practiced in Germany since the 1920s. You can find a Schroth therapist through the list on the National Scoliosis Foundation's homepage: For detailed information on the method, see the manual by Christa Lehnert-Schroth. A local physical therapist could learn enough from this book to help you. Hi! I had it to. The best way to excercise is do yoga. My scoliosis got better

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What are alternative treatments for scoliosis?

As I have heard, there is no particular alternative treatment for scoliosis. Treatments like biofeedback cannot prevent scoliosis. Exercise has not been confirmed to affect change on scoliosis.

How is scoliosis prevented?

There is no known way to prevent the development of scoliosis. Progression of scoliosis may be prevented through bracing or surgery. Exercise and physical fitness are of paramount importance for all individuals affected with scoliosis.

How is scoliosis treated in alternative medicine?

exercise has not been shown to prevent or slow the progression of scoliosis. It may help to relieve pain from scoliosis by helping to maintain range of motion. Good nutrition is also important

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trampolining anything involving streatching your back too much

What is the lateral curvation of the spine called?

That is called a scoliosis. You can remember the 'S' shaped spine of Scoliosis.

How do you treat kyphosis?

Conventional orthopedic treatment for scoliosis consists of observation only for spinal curves less than 25*, rigid bracing for curves 25-40*, and multiple level spinal fusion surgery for curves 40* or more. Most patients and parents find this treatment model unappealing and thus new efforts to find a scoliosis exercise based approach have been developed in recent years like the Early Stage Scoliosis Intervention program for mild scoliosis or the Scoliosis BootCamp program for moderate to severe scoliosis.

What is a prevention of scoliosis?

scoliosis can not be prevented

Where does scoliosis mainly affect?

Scoliosis is a descriptive term for a spinal condition. Scoliosis means curvature

Is there a disorder in scoliosis?

Yes! It appears that the melatonin hormone in adolscent patients is not signalling the receptors in the hind brain (location of the automatic postural control centers) effectively and thus the spinal alignment is not maintained through periods of rapid growth. Several "scoliosis exercise" programs have been developed to supplement this lack of hind brain stimulation and cause spinal auto-correction of scoliosis.

What effects does scoliosis have on your daily routine?

effects of scoliosis

What is the disorder of Scoliosis?

scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine

Can scoliosis mean the spine has a twist?

yes that is what scoliosis is