

How do you expunge your simple assault charge?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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i have a charge that happen about 7 years ago can it be expunge in the state of Mississippi

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Q: How do you expunge your simple assault charge?
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Can you own a handgun if you have a simple assault charge in Pa?

absolutely NOT!!!!

How can you get a job with a simple assault charge?

If you qualify for it, you can petition to have the conviction expunged.

Can you own a rifle in pa with a simple assault charge?

If it's an ongoing felony charge, or a felony conviction, no.

Can you be charged with simple assault for a phone threat with no witnesses?

No, not 'simple assault.' A 'harrassment' or 'stalking' or "making telephonic threats' charge might be another matter though

What is the punishment for a simple assault charge in South Carolina?

up to 30 days

Is simple assault and endangering another a felony?

The charge of "Simple Assault" in-and-of itself, is usually a misdemeanor offense, however, the "endangering another" part of the question is not fully explained.

Can you get jail time for a simple assault charge in DC?

Yes, Simple Assault is one of the "probable cause" misdemeanors in the District. You can be sentenced to time in the DC jail for this offense.

What is the average sentence of a simple assault charge in PA?

Simple assault is a misdemeanor. Mxximum of not more than one year in jail and/or a fine. Other than that much depends on the seriousness of the assault and the perpetrators' past record.

What's a lesser offense for aggravated assault?

The only lesser charge for murder is letting susan boyle have sex with you

How long does a simple assault charge stay on your record in Portland OR?

It will be a PERMANENT part of your adult record.

Can simple assault charges be dropped if victim does not testifies?

state can pick up the charge if they want.

What would be the charge for an adult who assaults a minor?

It depends on the type of assault (Simple - Sexual - Battery - Weapon - etc) and the age of the minor. Assault is 'assault' no matter the age of the victim but it can be enhanced by additional charges of cruelty to a minor - or similar type charge.