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Ah ha I am back with a better answer.

In the past all of the heavy water for Canada's domestic and export needs has been extracted from ordinary water, where deuterium occurs naturally at a concentration of about 150 ppm (deuterium-to-hydrogen). For bulk commercial production, the primary extraction process to date, the "Girdler-Sulphide (G-S)" process, exploits the temperature-dependence of the exchange of deuterium between water and hydrogen-sulphide gas (H2S). In a typical G-S heavy-water extraction tower, ordinary water is passed over perforated trays through which the gas is bubbled. In the "hot section" of each tower the deuterium will migrate to the hydrogen-sulphide gas, and in the "cold section" this deuterium migrates back into cold feedwater.

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11y ago

one method is to use a centrifuge to separate out the heavy water and the light water.

Then use electrolysis to on the heavy water to separate out deuterium and oxygen

I'm sure there are many ways though, maybe fractional distillation methods could do the first step as the mass difference is a decent proportion of the molecular mass

I found this site as I am actually looking for the answer so maybe I'm not the best source. I am actually looking for the cheapest method, if any one knows

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10y ago

By using electrolisis

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Q: How do you extract chlorine from sea water?
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How do we get chlorine?

Chlorine is extracted from the salts. The most common salt is used for making chlorine is sea water. The sea water mostly consists Sodium chloride.

How do you extract chlorine?

One way to extract chlorine from its raw material is to mix salt with water and apply an electrical charge. Problem with this is that it will also release hazardous gasses in the process. Chlorine gas is extremely up on it before trying to create it.

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chlorine gas

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Chlorine occurs naturally only as a salt (as in sea water) from which it is extracted.

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It means to extract salt from salty or sea water.

What type of water does sea water contain?

It contains a lot of salty water with chlorine mixed.

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Salt can be extracted from salt water by evaporating a thin layer of sea water and the salt will remain.

Can jellyfish breathe on land?

No. The extract dissolved oxygen from water.

How do you take in oxygen in the sea?

Underwater, animals have special adaptations to extract oxygen from sea water. Fish, for example, use their gills to convert water into usable oxygen.

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Just put a little kitty litter in the water. Cleans your problem right up!