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Depending on the breed and its age, it must be fed high quality forage every day, and a little grain (though this is optional if you want to slaughter it as a grass-fed bovine). Having it graze on good to excellent-quality pasture is also the best (and cheapest) option to fattening up a feeder calf.

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Q: How do you feed a feeder calf?
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How long does it take for a calf to go from bottle calf to feeder calf?

This depends on when you first put the calf on the bottle. But mainly, it'll be a few months that a calf goes from being dependent on the bottle to being fed as a feeder calf.

When does a feedav calf get its hair?

There is no such thing as a "feedav" calf. However, a feeder calf, gets its hair a month or so before it's born and before it is declared a feeder calf. Calves are born with hair and retain their hair coats throughout their lifetime.

How long til a weaned calf becomes a feeder calf?

Almost immediately if that's the purpose of the calf--for meat and not breeding.

What is a bull feeder?

A bull feeder is a feeder that is used for bulls to eat out of, like a trough or feed bunk.

Mom cow doesnt feed newborn calf?

Then you gotta bottle feed the calf yourself until you can get the cow to accept her calf.

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Why you feed colostrum to calf?

It is the most important thing to feed to a newborn calf because it contains lots of antibodies and immunoglobins that ensure a calf's health and survival.

What is difference between feeder and grid?

In an electrical power transmission system: the grid is what the feeder feed into.

What is a good name for a feeder calf male?

T-bone, Sirloin, Ribeye, etc.

What is a creep feeder?

A creep feeder allows for the continuous free flow of feed for small animals such as goats.

What do you feed a baby calf?

Depends on how old the calf is, but milk replacer mixed with water is what you can feed a baby calf. Also allow it access to hay or grass, grain, and water.