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Snails are small inverts and do not need to eat much. They are scavengers and will eat algae, and any other small things they can find your fish tank. Snails are a great edition to any tank and the need little if any care!

You can supplement their diet with algae wafers, and small pieces of blanched zucchini and lettuce. Very minimally.

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Algea wafers, and fresh veggies

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Q: How do you feed a snail in a tank that has no algae?
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What do you feed snails that have no fish in the tank?

If there is algae (the green stuff) on the tank, or objects in the tank, then you don't need to feed them at all. If not, depending on the size of the snail, you can get algae "chips" that the snails will feed on. Here's a site that can help. Good Luck If there is algae (the green stuff) on the tank, or objects in the tank, then you don't need to feed them at all. If not, depending on the size of the snail, you can get algae "chips" that the snails will feed on. Here's a site that can help. Good Luck

What water snail feeds on?

The water snails feed on the nuisance algae and things left on the tank.

What does ramshorn snail feed on?

Romaine Lettuce, Spinach, Algae, and Algae Tabs

What does a snail feed on?

Algae, so you don't really need to feed them as they "feed" themselves.

What do a snail feed on?

snails eat algae and aquatic plants

Why does your common goldfish keep nipping at your tank snail?

Does your snail have algae on it? Goldfish will eat anything that "grows" in the tank. They will eat turtle droppings, water scumm, algae, anything! That is why they are called bottom feeders.

What should you feed a mollusk snail you find in the river?

be sure to place the snail in a fresh water tank, for starters. But snails eat algae! You know, the green stuff that grows in your tank? they have a special thing called rahh or something that allows them to eat plants. If you have more than one snail, be careful! The snails can quickly breed and overrun your tank! but if you keep the water levels high, they'll be less likel to breed. Also, fish can eat the snails. but anyways, leave your tank in the sun and the snail will eat the algea. Don't let too much algae grow! also, i think my snail eats some crud on the bottom of the tank.

What to feed a saltwater snail?

you would want to feed it an algae or vegetable tablet that you can get from the fish store. feed the snails once a week and they should be good.

What does a water snail eat?

They eat by pressing on the Algee or what ever they are eating some eat Algee or fresh water plants but before u feed your snail u should find out what kind of snail u have and where u should keep it and what temperature u should keep it at so find out what it eats before u feed

Is water snail and snail the same?


Do you need to feed your pet snail if you have other fish in the tank that you feed?

No Not really because it will eat the food the the fish did not eat

What should you feed albino mystery snail?

I never specifically feed my black mystery snail. I feed the fish and just figure the snail will get it's food from the algae growing in the aquarium. I've had the snail over a year without a problem. It just hatched out about 50 babies too, so it seems to be doing well.