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It's truly the best place on earth. You can see everything, including the touristy things such as Rockefeller Center, the Empire State Building, Ellis Island, Times Square, and Central Park. My favorite part of Manhattan is downtown near Soho and The Village - so much art, history, and cool restaurants and shops. Central Park is beautiful during the fall and spring months, where you can often see New Yorkers running, biking, and/or lying on the grass reading the newspaper. But if you are visiting NYC, by all means do not limit yourself to only Manhattan, visit the boroughs. Brooklyn is famously known for its indie feel, and the nightlife is amazing. Queens is also great, but unfortunately I have not had the privilege of visiting the other boroughs. If you take some time aside to simply walk the streets of New York and embrace the culture and history around you, you will find you never want to leave.

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14y ago

Great place to visit.

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New York City new york city it stands 4 New York City the nyc stands for New York City.

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The two major cities in New york are New York City because it is the largest city in new york and the main city also Albany is another major city and it is the major city because in is also the main city in New york like New york city.

What makes New York City the best city in the world?

New York is indeed the best city in the world. Good answer... My opinion: The best place in the world is where you feel good,so New York it can be the best city in the world on many people's opinion but on others isn't.New York City is great but I don't believe is the best in the entire world...xD