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You see how a word is used in a sentence

what part of speech its acting as, where its located in the sentence, if its an adjective what kind of noun is it describing


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Q: How do you figure out what words mean with context clues?
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What does context clues mean?

Context means the parts of something written or spoken that immediately precede and follow a word or passage and clarify its meaning. You can often tell the definition of a word by the context around it.

What is a verb that means to figure out?

These are some French possible words: réaliser cerner comprendre Depending on the context, some English words that might apply, and some examples: Analyze: ..... Figure out what went wrong. Examine: .... Figure out the cause of death. Evaluate: .... Figure out the best approach. Investigate:. Figure out what the clues mean Interpret: ....Figure out what that Spanish phrase means. Solve: ........ Figure out that Rubik's cube. Figure out the equation.

What does it mean to use context to help you figure out what a word means?

It means using clues in the text around the word in question to come up with a definition

What does it mean to use context to help figure out what a word means?

It means using clues in the text around the word in question to come up with a definition

Define context clue?

A context clue is a hint or information found in the surrounding text that helps to define or understand the meaning of a word or phrase that may be unfamiliar to the reader. These clues can be found in the sentence or paragraph in which the unknown word is located.

What context clue can help you figure out what suffrage means?

what context clue help you figure out what suffrage mean

How does reading help your vocabulary?

Reading exposes you to new words, and you learn what they mean by the context (or by looking them up if you can't figure them out).

What does w sign indicates?

Iy depends on context clues. It could mean west. It could mean widow or widower.

What does gitting meaning from context mean?

Getting meaning from context means: Looking at the words around an unfamiliar word to help determine meaning. Sometimes, if you read the entire paragraph that contains the unfamiliar word, you can figure out what the word means.

What is the root word vigil mean?

Using the context clues of the vigilant, which means "alert," vigil should mean something like "watchful person."

What does context in an essay mean?

Context is the words around a word or the way a word is used.

What does the medical abbreviation dffp mean?

It could stand for Diploma of the Faculty of Family Planning, but without context clues it can be hard to say for certain.