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listen all the way round the edge with your ear against it and you'll hear. hope this helped.

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Q: How do you find a puncture on a index quick set pool air ring?
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How do you make a leak at the pool on club penguin?

download games master and puncture it with a pin

How do you remove sediment from a quick set vinyl pool?

To remove sediment from a vinyl quick set pool you will need a pool vacuum. Move the vacuum very slowly as you work so that it has a chance to catch everything.

What is better 15ft quick up pool or 15ft frame pool?

It really depends on what you are looking for in a pool. A quick up pool will be ready for water in less that an hour while the frame pool will take a little longer and require some minor assembly. The frame pool can stay up through the winter with proper preparation and covering. The quick up pool can be taken down and stored more easily. Also consider the looks of both pools and which one you would like better.

Can you go from sauna to swimming pool?

Yes, but take a quick shower in between so that you don't dirty the pool.

Can you put a gorilla foam pad on the floor of an in-ground vinyl pool when replacing the liner?

Yes, But it may be too soft and puncture easily.

Why should the average consumer find a fiberglass pool appealing?

Some advantages of fiberglass over other pool types include the quick installation since the pool is factory built. Also, they are easier to clean, use less chemicals and electricity for heating than concrete models.

Why is your pool water evaporating so quick?

This depends on the temperature in your area.

Is there a chart for pool chemical calculations?

called the saturation index. most good chemical test kits include it or ask your local pool store dude for it

Where can you order a swimming pool liner online?

You can order a swimming pool liner on the following site: They have a bunch of them.

Where can you most likely find a swimming pool?

you could find a pool a the town pool,friends house

Where can you find replacement corner coping spartan pool?

Spartan Pool Corp went out of business in the eighties, but Spartan Pools in Saginaw, MI, kept the name as they were a dealer. They have since begun producing corners and coping clips for old Spartan swimming pools. You should be able to find them online with a quick Google search.

Where can you find pool enclosure repair?

Where to find pool enclosure repair depends on where you are currently. A good way to find pool enclosure repair is to go to google and type in near "your zip code", pool enclosure repair.