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i get Zero in the lab test, by taking a sample from thetesticle it shows normal count.

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7mo ago

A healthcare professional can diagnose blockages in the sperm path through various tests such as semen analysis, ultrasound, or imaging techniques like a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) or transrectal ultrasound. These tests can help identify the presence of blockages in the vas deferens, ejaculatory ducts, or other parts of the reproductive system, and determine the cause and location of the blockage.

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How do you unblock things?

1. find blockage 2. lubricate blockage 3. stick in butt

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Yes very well possible the sperm can find a way to connect the pathversectamy is just taking a part away from the path

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The answer would simply be: A closed circuit, un-open path, closed , un openable?? some of thoughs? maybe?

Can a male still produce sperm after getting chlamydia?

Males can still produce sperm after getting chlamydia. If chlamydia causes scarring in the male reproductive tract, it's possible that sperm count will be decreased due to the blockage. In addition, men who get chlamydia infection in the testes may experience a decrease in sperm quality and quantity that gradually resolves after treatment. But sperm production continues.

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that's for me to know and you to find out.

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The egg path is called a oviduct. It helps the egg become reachable so it can become fertilized by the sperm

What do you find at the top of a path?

One end of the path.

Why does water come out of bathroom floor drain?

The only reason for this would be due to a blockage. Either snake your sewer line or call a plumber to carry out an investigation to find out where the blockage is.