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Looking online, it seems like there are a lot of sources. Personal ads, bars, social gatherings.

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Q: How do you find gay sex partner in Auckland?
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Related questions

Is gay love important?

For someone who is gay it is. Otherwise they would never find a partner in life and have a sex life and a family like everyone else. It's what we all want.

When having gay sex what can the guy touch?

Like heterosexual sex, you can touch anything your partner wants you to touch.

What do you do when someone tells others she thinks you are gay and you are not?

Prove them wrong! Get a partner of the opposite sex.

Can you stop using a condom having gay sex when your familiar with your partner?

tottaly why not..... lol

What if you were 15 your friend was 15 both male and had gay sex?

If you both are sure that you're ready for sex then there is nothing wrong with it. If you are asking if this means that you are gay, it doesn't necesarily mean you are gay. Lot's of young people experiment with a same sex partner. If you find yourself primarily attracted to only males then you may be gay. You may also be bisexual. Either way this is perfectly normal.

If somebody has a domestic partner does it mean they're gay?

If they are both the same sex then probably so.

Did Kathryn Jean Niederhofer Whitmire marry her same-sex partner?

There is no evidence that Kathryn Jean Niederhofer Whitmire was gay or that she had a female partner.

How is gay life in Malta?

Gay people in Malta have limited protections and few rights, but it is not against the law to be gay or to live with a same-sex partner. There are also a few gay clubs there.

How do i find out if am gay or not?

You will know if you are gay if you are attracted to people of the same sex.

How do you satisfied yourself?

masterbation. or find a partner to have sex with.

What does 'dad' mean in gay slang?

"dad" usually refers to an older partner in a same-sex relationship.

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