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you work out the date of the first day of period and count how many weeks its been since then, that's how far you will be or use a due date calculator.

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Q: How do you find out how far along you are if you think you are 4 weeks pregnant?
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How far along in pregnancy do you have to be before you can find out the sex?

Roughly 20 weeks pregnant

When you find out your pregnant how many weeks do you go back to find out when you got pregnant?

Actually, how many weeks along you are goes by the first day of your last cycle. If you have a perfect 28 day cycle; then you would count back two weeks and that would be around the time you ovulated, if you found out the week of your missed period.

How early can you find out your pregnant?

Two weeks

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Can you hear a heart beat at 2 weeks?

No typically the heart does not start beating until 6 weeks, but the way pregnancy is measured at "2 weeks pregnant" you aren't even pregnant yet, since most women ovulate 2 weeks after the first day of their last menstrual cycle. That would be when you are two weeks pregnant when you are just ovulating. So if you mean can you hear the heartbeat two weeks after you find out your are pregnant then yes, you should because you would actually be somewhere between 5-7 weeks along.

You are pregnant in 10 weeks your doctor told you that your baby is a girls that possible to determine the sex of a baby at this stage of pregnancy?

It is not possible to determine the sex by ultrasound until about 19 weeks along. If you do an amniocentesis, you can normally find out around 12 weeks.

Can you find out if you're pregnant after 2 weeks?

Only if you have missed your period. Yes. You can find out you are pregnant two weeks after intercourse exactly or you can go by the date of your next upcoming period.

Can i find out if I'm pregnant 8 weeks can i do intercourse?

you certainly can!!!!!!!!! :)

How long does it take to find out when a women is pregnant?

3 weeks

What is the earliest you can find out you are pregnant after sex?

3 weeks after sex at the earliest

Can you find out you are pregnant if you are only 2 weeks along?

The technology is getting there, I do know that most pregnancy tests are capable of detecting up to 5 days before the first missed period.

What are the signs when 27 weeks pregnant?

When you are 27 weeks pregnant you may start noticing some new symptoms, along with and aching back for example, you may find that your leg muscles cramp up now and then.The leg cramps are more common at night but can happen anytime during the day as well.