

How do you find the SI in c-language?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: How do you find the SI in c-language?
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org 100h L2: mov bh,x(si) mov ah, x(si) L1: cmp si,7 je L inc si cmp ah, x(si) jg L1 jl L2 L:ret x db 1,3,7,8,6,9,5

Write assembly program that draw circle?

Circle Macro x,y,rad,color local Loop1,Loop2,Loop3 pusha ; BX=X Offset, CX=Y Offset, DX=Some evil counter xor bx,bx mov cx,[rad] mov ax,cx shl ax,1 mov dx,3 sub dx,ax ; AL=Color mov al, ; Calculate address of center in vidmem. mov di,[y] mov si,di shl di,8 shl si,6 add di,si add di,[x] mov gs,di Loop1: ; Plot 8 pixels using known centerpoint and X and Y offsets. mov di,gs add di,bx mov si,cx shl si,6 add di,si shl si,2 add di,si mov es:[di],al sub di,si sub di,si shr si,2 sub di,si sub di,si mov es:[di],al sub di,bx sub di,bx mov es:[di],al add di,si add di,si shl si,2 add di,si add di,si mov es:[di],al mov di,gs add di,cx mov si,bx shl si,6 add di,si shl si,2 add di,si mov es:[di],al sub di,si sub di,si shr si,2 sub di,si sub di,si mov es:[di],al sub di,cx sub di,cx mov es:[di],al add di,si add di,si shl si,2 add di,si add di,si mov es:[di],al ; Is DX still under zero? cmp dx,0 jge Loop2 ; If, add 4*XOffset+6 to DX mov si,bx shl si,2 add si,6 add dx,si jmp Loop3 Loop2: ; If not, add 4*(XOffset-YOffset)+10 to DX mov si,bx sub si,cx shl si,2 add si,10 add dx,si ; Decrease Y coordinate dec cx Loop3: ; Increase X coordinate inc bx ; Is X Offset<Y Offset; if is, loop again. cmp bx,cx jl Loop1 popa ENDM mov ax,0013h int 10h mov ax,0A000h mov es,ax circle 10,10,5,55 AWAIT: MOV AH,0 INT 16H CMP AH,1 JE EXIT JMP AWAIT EXIT:

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/* PROGRAM TO SORT ARRAY ELEMENTS USING BUBBLE SORT*/ #include #include void main() { int i,j,n,t,a[50]; clrscr(); printf("ENTER THE ARRAY SIZE:\n"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("ENTER THE ARRAY ELEMENTS:\n"); for(i=0;i

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