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Chips are boiled, filtered and in the water solution chloride is determined; and from this NaCl content is calculated.

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Q: How do you find the concentration of sodium chloride in chips?
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Related questions

Where can you find the sodium chloride at household?

Sodium chloride is also called common salt. It is the same salt you find in the kitchen and put in your food.

Where will you find a MSDS for sodium chloride?

See the link below.

Where can you find sodium chloride and iron oxide at home?

Sodium ChorideSodium chloride [NaCl] is salt.You would find it at home in the kitchen.Iron OxideIron oxide [Fe2O3] is rust.You would find it at home anywhere that iron has rusted.

What is the alkali metal that you find in table salt?

Sodium (Na) as table salt is Sodium chloride (NaCl)

What compound would you find on the dinner table that is in the ocean?

Salt, or sodium chloride (NaCl).

Why do you never find an individual sodium chloride molecule by itself?

Sodium chloride is an ionic compound and does not form molecules. Sodium chloride forms a crystal lattice in which each ion is surrounded by six ions of the opposite charge. The chemical formula of sodium chloride, NaCl, represents a formula unit, which is the smallest whole number ratio of ions in the compound.

How easy is it to find sodium?

To find naurally occurring sodium is all but impossible because it reacts violently with water. You can, however, find plenty of sodium chloride (table salt) with little difficulty.

What is the botanical name of salt?

there won't be any botanical name for common salt as it is related to chemistry, and it would only have a chemical name-sodium chloride

Where is chlorine located in body?

Chlorine is very active element. It readily combine with any organic matter. So you do not find free chlorine in your body. You find the chlorine as sodium chloride out side the cells. You find double amount of chlorine in, potassium chloride, that is present inside the cells.

Where do you find ionic bonds?

Frequently in inorganic chemistry. Like Sodium chloride NaCl

Where could you find Sodium Chloride?

aka table salt? you can find it in any grocery store, or probably in your kitchen

What is the table of salt made of?

sodium chloride..... seriously needed to come on to find that one out?