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โˆ™ 12y ago
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โˆ™ 1w ago

You can find the number of moles using the ideal gas law: PV = nRT, where P is pressure, V is volume, n is the number of moles, R is the ideal gas constant, and T is temperature in Kelvin. Rearrange the equation to solve for n: n = PV / RT.

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Q: How do you find the number of moles when you are not given the mass?
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How is the number of moles of an element determined from the known mass?

To determine the number of moles of an element from its known mass, you can use the formula: moles = mass / molar mass. First, find the molar mass of the element from the periodic table. Then, divide the given mass of the element by its molar mass to find the number of moles.

How many moles of gold are in 3.60x10-5g of gold?

To find the number of moles of gold, first calculate the molar mass of gold, which is 197 g/mol. Then, divide the given mass of gold by the molar mass to find the number of moles. In this case, 3.60x10-5g รท 197 g/mol โ‰ˆ 1.83x10-7 moles of gold.

How many moles of molecules are there in 40.5 g of H2?

To determine the number of moles in 40.5 g of H2, first find the molar mass of H2, which is 2 grams per mole. Next, divide the given mass by the molar mass to find the number of moles. In this case, 40.5 g / 2 g/mol = 20.25 moles of H2.

How many moles are in 12G hydrogen?

To find the number of moles in 12g of hydrogen, we first need to determine the molar mass of hydrogen, which is approximately 1g/mol. Then we can divide the given mass (12g) by the molar mass (1g/mol) to find that there are 12 moles of hydrogen in 12g.

What is can the mass NH3 made if they give you the gram?

To find the mass of NH3 produced, first calculate the number of moles of NH3 using the given mass and the molar mass of NH3. Then, use the relationship between moles and mass (mass = moles x molar mass) to find the mass of NH3.

Related questions

Where can you find a solution to problem solving number of moles in a given element?

Number of moles = Mass of the sample in g/Molar mass in g

Do you find the number of moles of an element?

To find the number of moles of an element, you need to divide the given mass of the element by its molar mass. The formula is: moles = mass / molar mass.

Convert grams to moles?

To convert grams to moles, you need to know the molar mass of the substance. Divide the given mass in grams by the molar mass to find the number of moles. This calculation is done using the formula: moles = grams / molar mass.

How do you find the number of particles in a compound when given the mass?

To find the number of particles in a compound when given the mass, first calculate the number of moles using the provided mass and the molar mass of the compound. Then, use Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23 particles/mol) to convert the moles to the number of particles in the compound.

Calculate the number of moles in 112 g of iron?

Molar mass of iron is 56g. Given mass of iron= 112g No. of moles = Given mass/Molar Mass => 112g/56g= 2 moles

How many moles of molecules are there in 40.5 g of H2?

To determine the number of moles in 40.5 g of H2, first find the molar mass of H2, which is 2 grams per mole. Next, divide the given mass by the molar mass to find the number of moles. In this case, 40.5 g / 2 g/mol = 20.25 moles of H2.

How many moles are in 12G hydrogen?

To find the number of moles in 12g of hydrogen, we first need to determine the molar mass of hydrogen, which is approximately 1g/mol. Then we can divide the given mass (12g) by the molar mass (1g/mol) to find that there are 12 moles of hydrogen in 12g.

What is can the mass NH3 made if they give you the gram?

To find the mass of NH3 produced, first calculate the number of moles of NH3 using the given mass and the molar mass of NH3. Then, use the relationship between moles and mass (mass = moles x molar mass) to find the mass of NH3.

How do you find moles of hydrogen?

To find the moles of hydrogen, you can divide the given mass of hydrogen by its molar mass. The molar mass of hydrogen is approximately 1 g/mol. So, moles of hydrogen = mass of hydrogen (in grams) / molar mass of hydrogen (approximately 1 g/mol).

How many moles are in 42 grams of CO2?

To calculate the number of moles in 42 grams of CO2, we first need to find the molar mass of CO2, which is approximately 44 grams per mole. Then, divide the given mass by the molar mass to find the number of moles. In this case, 42 grams of CO2 is equivalent to 42/44 = 0.955 moles.

How many moles are in 92g of ethanol?

To find the number of moles in 92g of ethanol, we first need to know the molar mass of ethanol, which is approximately 46g/mol. Then, we divide the given mass by the molar mass to get the number of moles. So, 92g of ethanol is equal to 2 moles.

How many moles are in 89.0 grams of aluminum?

all you have to do to fine the moles of any element is divide the given grams by the molar mass (which you can find on a periodic table of elements) Likewise, if you need to find the grams, just multiply the number of moles by molar mass. moles = grams/molar mass grams = moles x molar mass your equation should look like this: moles = 89.0 / 17.0 moles = .471