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You simply forgive that person. Remember forgiveness is an act of your will. It has no effect on the other person's behavior. It gets rid of the garbage inside of you. "Do not let someone live in your mind rent free," AA.

If after you have forgiven the other person, you want to work out a reconciliation with perhaps a change in the other person's behavior, The Bible and other books suggest a different process.

Forgiveness is not an act of your will. many people say "I forgive you" but they do not feel it in their heart. So don't say it unless you mean it because otherwise it can ruin the relationship in the end after all.

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Q: How do you forgive someone who cheated through the entire relationship?
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Forgiveness is one powerful words that we always use. Forgive is what you do if someone did something to you that you didn't like. Or if you did something bad to someone that you love or to a friend you need to tell them how sorry you are and they are the one that will forgive you.

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