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The recommended way to do this is to eat healthy foods in amounts that are more than your body needs. Eating unhealthy foods would also add to your weight but might harm you in the long run.

If you want muscle-mass more than fat-gain, you'll also need to get plenty of exercise.

Healthy foods to gain weight:

red meat; fish (especially oily fish such as sardines)

seeds and nuts; peanut butter, almond butter, tahini

dairy and eggs

sweet fruits such as mango, banana and papaya


granola; dried fruit; protein bars

whole wheat bread; whole grain breads, crackers and foods; legumes

olive oil on salads or wherever appropriate

carbohydrate-veggies such as potatoes and yams

1) Note that red meat, dairy, and eggs should be eaten in moderation. If your body's cholesterol is low, you can increase the amount somewhat.

2) Try to eat several (4 to 6) times a day. Have snacks and drink water between meals, not during meals.

3) Try to avoid junk foods except as a treat here and there.

4) Don't overdo it. Gaining weight faster than about 1 pound per week should be done under supervision.

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