

How do you gain weight on a vegetarian diet?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

Best Answer

Eat more energy dense vegetarian foods -

nuts, sunflower seeds, peanut butter, dried fruit.

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Q: How do you gain weight on a vegetarian diet?
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Where can I find diet tips if I need to add weight instead of lose weight?

You can find diet tips for weight-gain on the following sites:,,,,, There are many more sites on internet for this information.

How well would a vegetarian diet help me lose weight?

A vegetarian diet alone is unlikely to help you lose weight, in fact many people gain weight after becoming vegetarian. A well balanced diet without too much fat or empty calories, along with plenty of exercise, will probably do a lot more to help you lose weight.

Did Alyssa Milano gain weight on Charmed?

she actually lost weight after season 4 when she became vegetarian, she was about 120lbs and dropped to about 105lbs I like have an answer to that question too,but i cant find an answer anywhere on the internet.She was already a vegetarian in season 2.

What weight loss diet plan is worth following?

I heard weight watchers is actually a goood weight loss diet plan worth following. It is actually more of a long term diet than a short term diet to folllow.

What can a vegetarian eat to gain weight with regular foods?

To eat light but also maintain a vegetarian diet, try some recipes that combine the Llght concept and vegetarianism both. See the related link for further information.

How can you gain weight in one month in healthy way at home?

You can Gain Weight through proper diet and exercise everyday. Proper diet plays an important role in gaining weight. please check the below link for information about proper weight gain diet.

Is the vegetarian weight loss diet a healthy diet?

yes, vegetarian weight loss diet is a healthy diet. but you also need to know what kind of food you should eat. check the below link to get information on that type of food which is help to weight loss.

Where can I find information about weight gain diet on the Internet?

Weight gain diets are designed for people who are very thin or have difficulty gaining weight. I have been put on a weight gain diet in the past without success. There is a site called thednadiet dot com that will provide you with information on the weight gain diet.

Can Diet Coke and weight gain be related?

Yes it is possible. Recent studies in animals have linked diet sodas or sugar substitutes to weight gain. Apparently the diet soda will not cause the weight gain but it will prompt behaviors of over eating.

Will a high carb diet cause you to gain weight?

Eating more calories than you burn up causes you to gain weight. If you can burn up a high carb diet, you won't gain weight.

How much weight do you lose by becoming a vegetarian?

A vegetarian diet isn't necessarily one that causes weight loss; for example, beans, chips, cakes and ice-cream are all vegetarian but wouldn't cause much weight loss. However, vegetarians tend to be more aware of what they eat so have a "better" diet and may lose weight because of that.

How much weight can you lose on a rice diet?

* Some people say you can lose up to 3 pounds each day.* If you have even the slightest degree of insulin resistance (and many overweight people have without being aware of it) you will gain weight (not lose weight) on a rice diet. * Rice is high in carbohydrate. If I went on a rice diet (and I am a natural vegetarian) I would gain weight.