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Aah...potty training. :) It can be a very exhausting task, but here's what you should know first of all (and prepare for a lot of info):

When a dog is about to go, it'll usually sniff the ground in a circle. My pup would just sniff the ground for a longer time than usual (no circling, to make things harder), so to be safe, I would always take her out right when she sniffed for more than two seconds.

When your pup has's too late. By then, #1 or #2 is probably all over your carpet! Don't scold your puppy if you suddenly find an accident and you don't know when he/she went; your dog will not know what it did wrong! However, if you catch your pup just about to squatt, tuck its tail between its legs to hold back what's about to come and rush out the door! Put it in a certain spot and praise it heavily if it goes. Remember you should ALWAYS go out the same door and put it in the same spot (even if it moves to a different location to do its business).

If you have a puppy...they need to go VERY often! They need to be taken out after feeding/drinking, playtime, after a nap, right before nighttime, and first thing in the morning! Use the signs above to know when they need to go.

Basically, potty training is just plopping them outside whenever you know they need to do their business. Soon, they'll get it! Be patient, kind, and scold when you need to scold...

Good luck! I've been through this exact same thing and sometimes it can be very tiring, but it's quite a relief and reward to finish through with it!

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12y ago

You take your dog to a spot where you want it to go to the bathroom. You keep on doing that until the dog goes there without you directing it there.

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4y ago

Just put them outside and they will eventually get used to going there and whine at the door when they need to go.


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Q: How do you get a dog from going to the bathroom inside?
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It may be scared or sick.

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Get the smell out of the carpet or area. The dog returns because of the smell.

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Because your dog is shy to go in public and only likes going in the house

How do you get your puppy to go poop outside when she even poops in her own kennel?

ou should start training your puppy to potty train as soon as you can. Take the dog out a lot and praise them and give them treats whenever they go to the bathroom outside. If you catch the dog peeing inside say no sternly and take them outside. Leave them out there for a while so they get that they are supposed to go to the bathroom when they are outside. Praise them when they do go to the bathroom outside. To stop the dog from going to the bathroom in her kennel you should get a crate that is just large enough for your dog. If you want to buy a large crate because your dog will get bigger, then stick a box or some kind of separator in the back of the crate to make it smaller. This makes it so that the dog will not want to go to the bathroom in its bed.

What will happen to your dog if you don't let him inside?

The dog will use your house like the outdoors, a.k.a the bathroom... You'll have a soiled house, I'm afraid.

if my yard is fenced in and i tie my dog up just to go to the bathroom then take it back inside in about ten minets do i have to have a dog house for it?

No, you don't require a doghouse as long as your dog is an inside dog. In the winter months, be sure to only leave it out a minimal amount of time.

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you have to give them treats. here are the steps. #1. get your dog into the bathroom #2. let your dog adjust to the bathroom #3. then try to make the bathroom comfortable and try t lift you dog i the bath #4. then hold your dog and wash her #5. after that if your bathroom is upstairs dry your dog off and carry him/her downstairs thats how you clean your dog

Why you should not get a pet dog?

It depends on the type of dog. They might go to the bathroom inside the house, bite, or run away. Overall, dogs are great. You will have to buy their food and toys etc.

Why do dogs have to poop outside?

Typically, dogs do not poop anywhere near their sleeping quarters or "den". This is instinctual and usually taught to them by their mother when they are puppies. The mother will growl or nip at the puppy if it attempts to relieve itself in the "den". This is so predators or other hunting animals will not be attracted to the den by scent. However, if your dog is in the house and not near the "den" and has not been properly potty trained they will most assuredly go in the house. A dog does not understand the difference between going potty inside versus outside unless they are taught. Most dogs, if not trained from the beginning WILL prefer to go to the bathroom inside, as opposed to outside where there may be rain, snow, etc. Also, going poo poo is a very vulnerable moment for a dog where they are still and not on full alert while doing the doo, so once again if a dog is not potty trained they would much rather go inside. Wouldn't you? ;)