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Sexual offenses, ESPECIALLY forcible sexual offenses, are not eligible for expungment in ANY state.

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Q: How do you get a felony forcible sodomy charge expunged off your record in virginia?
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How long does a felony charge stay on your background check in Virginia?

In Virginia, a felony charge can generally stay on your criminal background check indefinitely. However, there may be certain circumstances where you can request to have it expunged or sealed from your record after a certain period of time has passed. It's best to consult with a legal professional for specific advice regarding your situation.

Can you be a cop in Texas if you have an expunged record?

If you have a felony charge on your record you will not be able to get your licence

How long does a felony charge stay on your record in NY?

A felony conviction will remain on your 'record' indefinetly, until you have it expunged via Court order.

How long does a felony charge stay on your record in the state of New Mexico?

Felony charges ANYWHERE never go away unless they are legally "expunged."

How long does a felony charge stay on record if you completed pre-trial intervention?

A felony stays on your record for life. You could apply to the court to have it expunged.

In the state of Virginia can you erase a felony charge?

You can't "erase" it, it never 'goes away." But, you can file a motion with the court to have your record 'expunged' so that the charge will not appear on the part of your record accessible by the public. Law enforcement and the courts will still have access to it, however.

Can you buy a gun after your deferred felony is over?

If the charge is expunged, yes. In a deferred judgment, if you meet the terms of the deferment, the judge dismisses the charge, and there is no conviction.

Is felony reduced to misdemeanor the same as expunged?

No, however it will show up as a reduced charge. "Expunged" means that the record will be removed from your publicly accessible record. It never disappears from your official criminal record.

Is forcible entry a misdemeanor?

Breaking and entering is a felony.

Can felony unauthorized use of a motor vehicle be expunged to regain civil rights?

Perhaps. If it was a state charge - if your state allows you to petition for it and - if you qualify for it. If it was a federal charge, forget it.

Can a felony DUI be expunged in Florida if a VOP resulted in a prison sentence?

It is almost impossible to have any felony expunged if you were convicted of the infraction.

Can a felony be removed in Virginia?

It IS possible. You must petition the court to have the record 'expunged.' You (or your attorney) must be prepared with a GOOD reason why it should be granted.