

How do you get a guy friends girlfriend to like you?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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If the girlfriend of your best friend (boy) doesnt like you tried to be social with her or not wait until she walks up to and saids something. If not just leave it alone if you dont want problems with her at all!

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12y ago
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Q: How do you get a guy friends girlfriend to like you?
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If he has a girlfriend, and he likes you, then surely he is not the kind of guy you want to be seeing? I think it would get messy and you would loose friends if either you, or the guy in question tried to change anything.

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Yes! The guy i like has a girlfriend and we are good friends and i don't know who his girlfriend is but he said that he liked me. So there is hope!!

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Well, what would you do? Would you ditch your friends for one possible boyfriend/girlfriend? And don't date a guy if you don't like his friends, it won't lead to anything good, or any long lasting relationship.

You like this guy but he has a girlfriend?

just become great friends with him, and chances are they will break up and that's where you come into the picture! :)

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ask people that know him, like his friends or a family member. They'll probably know if he does.

What do you do when the guy you like has a girlfriend?

Well my advice would be just be good friends with him and his girlfriend, sadly, he's taken, not a good idea to get involved with anyone who is not available.