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If you mix some baking soda and your shampoo in your hand and wash your hair, it will strip away any build up of chemicals and waxes from conditioners. This should NOT be done often as it will strip your hair of natural oils if you do this too much.

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Q: How do you get hairspray build up out of hair?
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Can hairspray stop your hair from growing?

Hairspray has alcohol in it. It drys out your ends. However, your hair starts from follicles inside of your head. Your hair is actually dead. So, while hairspray can damage your hair, it will not stop your hair from growing! Just wash your hair. If you have a lot of build up, mix baking soda with your shampoo and wash your hair! Just occasionally though!

Is it good or bad to use hairspray BEFORE curling your hair with a curling iron and if it is good what are the benefits of using it before?

You should probably use a heat protectant such as Chiinstead of using hairspray first. This will protect your hair from getting dry and damaged. Using hair spray will just cause build up on your hair and it could burn as well. But you can follow up with hairspray to keep the curls in place when your finished.

What are the background information for hairspray?

To hold up your hair. To do funky hair styles.

How does hairspray work?

Hairspray is like a coating of light duty glue. Hairspray makes sure your hair stays how it was when you sprayed your hair. if you were to wear a helmet after hairspraying your will not get 'helmet-hair'. helmet hair is when you put a helmet on and your hair gets all frizzy and messed up.

What damage does your hair do to hairspray?

Hair doesn't harm hairspray. Hairspray harms hair.

Why is hairspray sticky?

Hairspray contains ingredients like resins and polymers that create a flexible film on the hair to hold the style in place. These ingredients can leave a sticky residue when they dry, which helps maintain the hold of the hairstyle but can also make the hair feel sticky to the touch.

Is hairspray an adhesive It sticks to your hair?

Hairspray is not generally recognised as an adhesive.

Is it bad to use hairspray on wet hair?

yes, because your hair will look like crap. It's not "bad" to use hairspray on wet hair, it just won't work as well. Hairspray is meant to be used on dry hair.

If you put on hairspray before straightening your hair does it keep it straight longer?

Usually it will make your hair look crispy, and the hairspray will burn. Spray hairspray from arms-length away AFTER you finish straightening your hair.

Can you use hairspray on girl crush hair extensions?

you could, but it wouldn't work like normal hair. the molecules from the hairspray will only crunch it up, and will ruin the extentions to a tangle. unlike regular hair, you cant comb it and wash it away.

What are the materials that you need so you can bump up your hair?

use a comb and tease it then hairspray it and there you go :) Use hairspray, a curler brush, smooth silk ( keeps hair from frizzing ) or a bump-it from those commercials on TV

How can you make hairspray better for your hair?

Make sure that the hairspray doesn't contain any very bad ingredients for your hair.