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Q: How do you get in the JTF2?
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Who is better overall seals or jtf2?

Well, none is better, but you can compare traing, which is far supereor when you Are a jtf2. Seals have been around longer the jtf2, but dosn't mean anything. Jtf2 has a training period of 7 months, seals on the other hand only have a solid 4 weeks of pure hell. In comparison jtf2 is tier 1 which to' the seals is Tier 2, which means jtf2 is a tad bit more elite. Both canadian and american forces are practically equal.

Who has the best counter terrorist unit?

JTF2 or SAS contrary to popular belief SEALs are nothing compared to these two

What gun is used the most by JTF2?

It's not really something they'd publish. Most likely, it would be the Diemaco/Colt Canada C8FTHB.

JTF2 vs SRR vs SASF vs DEVGRU who's more elite?

Completely a question of opinion, no actual information can be given. It's all up to your opinion.

List of weapons used by JTF2?

Mp5 c8 c7 berret m82a1 p226 p225 p227 p228 p229 sr-25 etc

Is tears of suns based on a true story?

yes! However, it was not Americans, nor Africa it took place. I know it was Canadians in South America Maybe the Canadian Joint Task Force Two (JTF2) in Colombia to be more specific.

Why is Canada safer than the US?

Canada is very similar to the US, except: -There is more control on firearms -Communities are generally smaller That being said, most places within Canada are very safe. Depending on your destination, you might end up in areas that have unique risks or dangers to them. If you are camping outdoors, be aware that there are bears and other wild creatures within Canada. If you are walking down a dark alley in Vancouver, be aware that it's just as shady as a dark alley in Chicago.

What is is the issued gun for the Canadian army?

The official Service Rifle of the Canadian Forces is the Diemaco C7. They also use the C8 carbine, and C6 machine gun and the C9 light Machine gun. The official Side-Arm is the Browning Hi-Power 9mm. The MP5 is also in use, but mostly by JTF2 and CSOR (Canada's Special Forces).

Is jtf2 better than delta force?

This question is not asking for a comparison between Delta Force and ST6. Both are U.S. units. It is asking about JTF2, which is a CANADIAN special forces team. Is JTF2 (Joint Task Force 2) better than Delta Force ? Perhaps. Perhaps not. By its nature, JTF2 is a highly secretive commando unit. Very little is known about its members, or the operations they are involved in. Formed in 1992, JTF2 was established to fight terrorism, and today, in Afghanistan, they are a highly secretive unit who shun publicity, refuse to be photographed, and will not talk to "outsiders", according to Toronto Sun author Peter Worthington (himself a former Canadian military officer). As for the question of whether they are "better" than Delta Force.... Worthington answers it this way; "The trouble with our secretive commando force that proponents like to hint is as good as, or better than, Britain's SAS, or the U.S. Delta Force, Rangers, etc., is there is no way the public can ever know". "Maybe they are ask good as their quiet publicity implies. Maybe not". In other words, since JTF2 is a secretive unit, with little known about them, it is impossible to compare them to other special forces. Nope. Delta Force is maybe the best on what is does and has been doing and still is. However, it is to be noted that ST6 was created by Richard Marcinko after a failed rescue mission of Delta Force in Operation Eagle Claw. This might imply that ST6 could be an "improved" version of the Delta Force in some respect. Also it has been a general knowledge that Delta Force was patterned after the British SAS but ST6 was unique and original American stuff. It has been rumored that in terms of headcount, the ratio is somewhere between 1:2 or 1:3. That is, Delta Force operators is more than twice as many as ST6 operators. This could mean something as to the "selectiveness" of its members. Richard thought that Delta Force has grown too big and has become cumbersome, and so he made ST6 a sort of "leaner and meaner" in some sense. Also, Delta Force is also known as "Combat Applications Group" while ST6 is known as "Development Group" which kind of imply that the former "applies" what the latter "develops". To sum it all up, Delta Force might be better in terms of experience as it has been in service for a long time and is based on a much older elite unit. On the other hand, ST6 could be better in terms of readiness for immediate deployment, flexibility and versatility (i.e. they best operate both on land and maritime missions), and innovations in terms of training, tactics and equipment. I would say on land, Delta Force would have a slim advantage but on maritime ST6 has the advantage in a wider margin. Therefore, ST6 is probably the more complete or all-around unit.

Do JTF2 operators perform assassinations?

Not in a Black Operation type. They are not the CIA or CSIS. Assasinations have not been conducted probably since the Cold War. If you mean an assasination like the Bin Laden raid, when DEVGRU(SEAL Team 6) went in to kill/capture UBL, then yes they do those type of operations. But just like the operators on the Bin Laden raid were told, "This is not an assasination, if you can capture UBL, then do it". Because it is always more valuable to have taken a enemy leader as a prisoner then to shoot him on sight.

Is the SAS the best special force?

No, not in any way. It, like the US Army Special Forces, Delta Force, as well as the American CIA's Special Operations Group and Canada's JTF2 are all very well-trained and well-rounded groups. There is no such thing as one "best" group. The US Navy SEALs, which many legitimate military experts will agree has one of the roughest physical training of any spec ops group in the world, are not, on average, nearly as crafty as the previously mentioned groups. On that note, though, many members of the SAS, US Army Special Forces, and others. would be more than capable of being a SEAL, for example. Today, the most successful teams are made up of multiple spec ops units, and are known as task forces. The one group experts have often declared to be the best is the CIA's NCS's SAD's SOG (Special Operations Group). It is made up entirely of ex-military men. Most have special operations experience, but some have combat experience only. All have performed excellently throughout their military careers, and many have advanced college degrees.

Can a Canadian become a navy seal?

Yes, and No. A Canadian who is only a Canadian citizen cannot. You must become a US citizen first. There are cases with other US Special Forces where they will waive the citizen requirement for Canadian and some other friendly countries, the SEALs unfortunately are not one of them. So there is not an easy way to become a SEAL or have the chance to become a SEAL without being a citizen. This is from the SEAL website where the requirement is: "U.S. Citizen (Not waiverable)" However, you may be interested in the Canadian Special Forces, such as our Tier-1 Special Force unit(Equivalent to UK SAS, US Delta) Joint Task Force 2(JTF-2) or the new regiment being start Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR). JTF2 is a world-renowned but high secretive unit, and like the SEALs undergo many secret operations such as actions in Iraq and other places where our conviential forces are not in operation or not welcome. CSOR is a new unit started in 2006, still not sure what they are going to become, its still pretty much up in the air. However those are some options for you in Canada that are open and perform roughly similar duties as SEALs(Unconvential Warfare, Direct Action, etc) but for Canadians.