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First you break the cell wall. Then you climb up the cell.:)

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Q: How do you get on top of the cage of a hell in a cell match?
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What is WWE Ring The Cell?

There is no such thing, there is Hell In A Cell. Which is a match that was inspired by The Undertaker. It is basically a cage match with a little room outside the ring with a roof on top.

How do get on top of a hell in a cell on smackdown vs raw 2008?

On Smack down vs raw 2008 for Xbox 360 how to get to the top of a cage on a hell incell match first you open the steel cage door by pressing left stick and the a buttontors the door and then going outside the cage by any side of the cage then press theleft stick Thor's the cage and press the left bumper and then you start climbing thecage.

What is a cage match?

In the field of wrestling, a cage match is a match in which wrestlers fight in an enclosed location, and where the aim is to escape over the top of the "cage" to win.

Smack down here comes the pain cheats for ps2?

smck down is bedt in season mode in a hell in a cell match if you are brock lesnar you can climb to the top of the cage and taunt.there is no signs at the moment but if you put your right analog stick up there are signs

How do you play cage match in WWE?

Pinfall , Submission , or escaping the cage either from the top or the door.

Will WWE ever be as good as it was during 1997-2000 and why do wrestlers not fight on top of Hell on a Cell anymore?

because the wwe in 1997-2000 sucked and because vince doesn't want them to fight on top of the cell anymore because he thinks it's to violent like the orther dude said above.... wrestling sucked back then so Vince McMahon was desperate for peolple to watch that's why he created the hell in a cell, and the TLC match(tables laddars and chairs) and the buried alive matches ya the best you can get now adays is a first blood match -.-

How did mick foley become a hard core legend?

Mic Foley has had many persona's during his wrestling career. out of them cactus jack and mankind have been very brutal and grim persona's. He has been involved in many hardcore, no disqualification, hell in a cell, boiler room brawl etc. If there is a brutal match mic would have been part of it. He is best remembered for the fall from the top of the hell in a cell on to the announce table and then continuing the match with the undertaker. such brutal hardcore matches and his perseverance in them earned him the title "The Hardcore Legend"

What is a scroll top bird cage?

A scroll top bird cage is dome-top style cage. You can find several nice ones at

Will Jeff hardy go to tna?

Yes , Jeff Hardy is in tna he showed up January 4 in middle of a steal asilam match and sat on top of the cage

How do you throw people off the cell in WWE smackdown vs raw 2011 psp?

To throw someone off the top of the Cell in a Hell In A Cell Match, you must do the following: 1. Climb to the top of the cell 2. Once your opponenet is up, if they are near the edge, just light grapple them and they should be thrown off. 3. If your opponent moves away from the edge before you can throw them off, whip them to the edge of the cell. They will stop and teeter on the edge. Just light grapple them when this happens.

How do you get out of a hell in a cell on smack down vs raw 2011?

de ballsackkss You're wrong there, mate. In svr 2010 you can just open the door, but in svr 2011 you have to stand in the corner closest to the announcer table and use a signature or a finisher, and you'll throw your opponent through the cell wall.

How do you get 5 star rating in smackdown Vs raw 2009 career mode?

the best way to get a five star match is to be on raw and then give the wwe champion to john cena and then get edge, john cena , triple h , and hbk(shawn michaels) and then go to a ppv(like backlash)and put the wwe championship on the line with john cena , triple h , HBK , and edge in a fatle 4 hell in the cell match . there u have it 5 star. make sure popularity is 100 to do that use events and activities and then click other brand anvasion. smackdown: make your top 4 super stars popularity to 100 and put in ppv hell in the cell and u have 5 star. ecw is same as smackdown!